Government, Economics and Management Major

Government, Economics and Management

Why Government, Economics and Management?

Dive head-first into the unique intersection between the public sector with business and economics, confronting questions of why public servants and politicians make the decisions they do, management of public entities, policy decisions and outcomes, and the public sector administration as a whole – inside and out. If you are interested in public service, public sector businesses, business-government relations or pursuing law school – this degree is for you.

To see all courses offered in this degree, visit our Academic Calendar.

 Gain Transferable Business Skills

Government, Economics and Management will help you develop transferable business skills in law, human resources, marketing, accounting and finance, and pursue diverse career opportunities within the public, private and voluntary sectors.

 Better Understand Public Policy and Sector

This program helps students better understand political culture and institutions and how they relate to private and public sector entities, to critically examine public policies, and the Canadian policy making process. 

 Go Beyond the Classroom

Dissect political issues like democracy, accountability, equity, fairness, and justice, in addition to learning more on how to optimize Canadian public policy. 

Gain Valuable Experience Through Co-op 

Our Government, Economics and Management co-op provides over 20 months of real-world co-op experience, designed to facilitate the transition of students from academic studies to a professional career improving students’ job search skills, work performance and networking abilities, and boosting resume experience.

Hannah Ruuth
While a student, I worked as an intern at the Prime Minister’s Office in Ottawa, where I helped launch Canada’s announcement of banning single use plastics. My colleague and I arranged for the Prime Minister to conduct calls to Canadians to discuss their ideas and concerns around the ban.

Hannah Ruuth
Government, Economics and Management

Discover More Options

Students considering the Government, Economics and Management program may also be interested in studying Management, Economics and Finance, Economics, Management, or other majors.

Admission Requirements

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