Economics and Finance at Lang
Lang's globally recognized economics and finance faculty are ranked 4th among Canadian business schools for research output.
You'll gain critical insights into all aspects of global business, finance, public policy and beyond.
The field is a fundamental discipline that provides the foundation for other areas of study, such as strategy, marketing and operations. Lang faculty are experts in a wide range of topics including economic organization and regulation, energy, environmental policy and sustainability, international trade and finance, developing economies, entrepreneurship, taxation and healthcare.
Featured Stories
Applying the Sustainable Development Goals to the traditional business model
Dr. Talat Genc
The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid
Dr. Kurt Annen
How do you balance profits with planet
Lang BComm alumnus Ryan Padum
Lang's economics and finance programs are housed within the Department of Economics and Finance.
Chair: Johanna Goertz
BComm Coordinator: Evie Adomait
Graduate Coordinator: Rene Kirkegaard
View Lang's full-time faculty in economics
View Lang's full-time faculty in finance
Faculty Emeritus
- C. Bram Cadsby
- Louis Christofides
- Brian Ferguson
- Marion Steele