
Congratulations To MCB Researchers Who Received 2017-18 NSERC Funding

Congratulations to MCB Researchers who received 2017-18 NSERC Funding:

Discovery Grants:

  • Joseph Colasanti
  • Marc Coppolino
  • Nina Jones
  • David Josephy
  • Janet Wood

Discovery Accelerator Supplement:

  • Nina Jones

Research Tools and Instruments:

  • Doug Goff - Food Science (co-applicants: Emma Allen-Vercoe (MCB), Nina Jones (MCB), Cezar Khursigara (MCB), and Chris Whitfield (MCB))

Congratulations to MCB's Paula Russell who has received this year's President's Award for Exemplary Staff Service in the category of Hidden Hero!

MCB is pleased to announce the good news that Paula Russell has been selected as a recipient of this year's President's Award for Exemplary Staff Service in the category of Hidden Hero. 

This award recognizes Paula’s attributes and her contributions to our Department and the University.  We all appreciate her willingness to provide excellent behind-the scenes-support to our students, faculty, and staff.

Please join us in congratulating Paula for this well-deserved honour!

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