Past Events

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Brown Bag Seminar - Julio Mendoza (FARE)

Which vegetables would you buy and how many?  Basket Analysis.   Julio Mendoza (FARE) joint with Sunghwan Yi and Vinay Kanetkar.   Brown Bag seminar, please feel free to bring your lunch.   For more information contact Cori Wells - ext. 52725

REGISTER BY TODAY FOR THE EARLY BIRD RATE - A Refresher Course in Applied Statistics

A Refresher Course in Applied Statistics  Aug 26th - 30th 2013 The Refresher Course in Applied Statistics provides particiapants with an extensive review of undergraduate level social and behavioural applied statistics.  It is ideally suited for those who may have taken a statistics course in the past but feel uncomfortable building on their existing knowledge of statistics.  More specifically this course will be useful for those intending to take further graduate level research training and those who want to refresh their understanding of the use of statistics.  

Keri Kettle - University of Miami

Dr. Keri Kettle, CD, BA, MBA, PhD Assistant Professor of Marketing, School of Business Administration, University of Miami Debt Repayment Strategy and Consumer Motivation to Get Out of Debt Abstract

Registration deadline - Intro to Structural Equation Modeling Workshop

All welcome  - Workshop will be held June 17th - 21st In order to register please contact Rita Raso 519 824 4120 ext.56126 or by Friday May 17th.  Workshop Topics: 1.  Path modeling with direct and indirect effects 2.  Confimatory factor analysis 3.  Latent variable structural equation modeling 4.  Mediation with latent variables 5.  Moderation with latent variables (latent variable interactions) 6.  Latent growth modeling

MCS 6950 - Seminar

Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Vandenberg Having just completed a 3 year term as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Organizational Research Methods Professor Vandenberg has significant insights in to what it takes to publish in A level journals. He has published in top journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods, and Education and Psychological Measurement and has won a number of awards for his contributions to both the theoretical and methodological literature. Professor Vanden berg is currently with the

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