Past Events

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MCS 6950 - Kelley Main

Kelley Main (Asper School of Business)   Dr. Kelley Main Acting A.D.R., Associate Professor of Marketing Asper School of Business,  University of Manitboa Seeing Things in a Different Light: Agent versus Consumer Responses to Persuasion Attempts Wednesday October 16th 2:30pm MACS 121 ABSTRACT

MCS 6950 - Ross McKitrick

Ross McKitrick (College of Management and Economics) - CME to host Environmental and Economic Consequences of Ontario's Green Energy Act

MCS 6950 - Grant Packard

Grant Packard (Laurier School of Business & Economics) Putting the Customer Second:  Pronoun Use in Customer-Firm Interactions

MCS 6950 - June Cotte

June Cotte (Ivey School of Business) - CME to host

MCS 6950 - Andrew Ching

Andrew Ching - Rotman School of Management, Associate Professor of Marketing   Quantifying the Impacts of Limited Supply:  The Case of Nursing Homes To download a current version of the paper: ABSTRACT:

MCS MSc Alumni Event

The Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies is hosting the MSc alumni event.  For more information please see: or contact Cori Wells 519 824 4120 ext.52725

MCS 6950 - Jodie Whelan

Current Job Market Candidate from the Richard Ivey School of Business: Jodie Whelan (PhD Candidate) Exploring Consumer Identities:  Consumer Cues, Boundaries, and Identity Salience," -manuscript being prepared for submission.

Annual Alumni Gathering - MARKETING MIXER

The Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies presents:   Join fellow grads and faculty as we connect and strengthen our alumni network!   Location:  La Societe Bistro, 131 Bloor St. W, Toronto Date:  August 21st 6:30pm RSVP:

Brown Bag Seminar

Dr. Paul Anglin (MCS faculty) Brown Bag Seminar Conducting a Case Discussion On-Line   For more information please contact Cori Wells  x52725    

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