

Photo of Jane Londerville and graduating student at convocation.  Congratulations to all of the Summer 2013 Graduates!

Grocery Shopping Online?

  Sylvain CharleboisSylvain Charlebois (MCS faculty) - Winnipeg Free Press June 14th 2013  "As market segments become increasingly fragmented, the food industry is becoming equally complicated to analyze.  Consumer are looking for different things, for different reasons, all of the time.  As a result, grocery stores are beehives at night as they roll inventories hundreds of times a year.  "Virtual" stores could reduce costs from such a perspective."     

Congratulations Anne Wilcock

Photo of Dr. WilcockCongratulations to Anne Wilcock, Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies faculty who was honoured at Summer 2013 convocation.

She has been granted University Professor Emeriti.

Mad Cow crisis preventable

Sylvain Charlebois - Associate Dean CME

Photo of Sylvain CharleboisMost would agree  that the "mad cow" event of May 20, 2003, following the discovery of our country's first native Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy case, wasn't really a food safety-centric crisis, at least in Canada; in retrospect, it was primarily a trade crisis. 

Icewine to help strengthening economic ties with China

Photo of Dr. TengDr. Lefa Teng a Marketing and Consumer Studies faculty member is using his research to help strengthen economic ties with China and create jobs here in Ontario.  "Canada has a culture that emphasizes good quality, especially in food products. We follow the rules and we don't produce counterfeits.

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