

Photo of Avis DevineDr. Avis Devine joined the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies - Real Estate and Housing in August 2013.  An article featured atGuelph looks at Dr. Devine's research on residential tenants who seek environmentally friendly buildings to lease and their motivations for doing so. 

Prof Takes Learning Outside the Classroom

Photo of Melanie Lang - MSc AlumniMelanie Lang is proof that learning never stops.  As a two-time CME grad, the marketing and consumer studies professor instils her love for learning in her students - both inside and outside the classroom. 

"The conferences I attend are focused on teaching and learning, research and entrepreneurial education," says Lang, B.Comm. '02 and M.Sc. '05.  "I'm always looking for little nuggets that I can apply to our program."

Sharing Knowledge Leads to New Solutions

Photo of PhD students - Eric Harvey, Rita Hansen Sterne, Collette Ward, and Anahita KhazaeiRita Hansen Sterne and Anahita Khazaie are apart of the interdisciplinary PhD in Management program unique to Guelph that draws from the strengths of three academic units within the College of Management and Economics.  These students have taken the idea of collaboration outside of CME to collaborate with two PhD students in ecology to tackle a common issue like food sustainability. 

MCS Faculty Receive SSHRC Grant

Dr. Towhid Islam and Dr. Theodore Noseworthy were among the four CME recipients of SSHRC grants.  Dr. Towhid Islam was awarded $357,322: efficacy of models used to forecast consumer choices and Dr. Theodore Noseworthy, $92,600: over-consumption and marketing of functional foods.  For a complete list of all SSHRC recipients see the University of Guelph news release

MCS welcomes Avis Devine

“You’d be amazed at how many green roofs you’d see when you look down on Toronto”

Photo of Avis Devine

Legalizing Marijuana in Canada

Photo of Dr. Dewhirst   

Dr. Timothy Dewhirst, Marketing and Consumer Studies, discusses the financial impact for the tobacco industry if marijuana was legalized.  Full article in the National Post

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