Stats Dashboard 2019/20
Below you will find a general reflection of the 2019-20 academic year.
The OAC community includes:
- 590 associate diploma students
- 2,535 undergraduate students
- 385 thesis-based master's students
- 145 course-based master's students
- 235 PhD students
- 600 staff
- 147 faculty
Enrollment Data
7.7 % of our student community are international students.
Our students identify as:
- 66.4% Female
- 32.6% Male
- 1% Other
They are studying in the following areas:
- Animals (32%)
- Environment (17%)
- Agriculture (16%)
- Communities (11%)
- Food (7%)
- Business/Economics (7%)
- Plants (6%)
- Equine (4%)
Graduation Data
In 2019-20, we celebrated the graduation of :
- 263 associate diploma students
- 461 bachelor's degree students
- 210 graduate diploma and master's degree students
- 36 PhD students
New Student Awards
- 15 new awards created worth $50,000
- 212 donors supported these new awards
- 18+ students will be annually supported by these new awards
Research Activity During COVID-19
- MARCH 17, 2020:The Province declared state of emergency and U of G closed; access to research facilities permitted only for maintenance and preservation of critical infrastructure and living organisms.
- APRIL 13 – JUNE 15: 63 OAC principal investigators (+ 295 students and research staff) were given permission to undertake research activities deemed timesensitive and/or critical.
- JUNE 29 – AUG 20: 62 OAC principal investigators (+ 300 students and research staff) received approvals to phase in more research activities.
- Since the start of the pandemic, 100 OAC principal investigators have been able to conduct research, not including research that continued remotely without interruption. Many OAC researchers have also:
- Participated in response committees
- Conducted COVID-19 research
- Given media interviews
- Published special COVID-19 resources
COVID-19 Research Funding
Our researchers have also secured $604,570 in funding toward COVID-19 related research:
- $401,250 in external funding for 7 research projects
- $203,320 in U of G (internal) funding for 12 research projects