OAC Scholarships & Other Awards

Supporting Student Excellence at OAC

The Ontario Agricultural College offers a significant range of scholarships, bursaries, awards and travel grants.

Over 687 awards totalling more than $1.5 million, are given out each year to our diploma, undergraduate and graduate students, thanks to the generous support of alumni, donors and industry partners. For more information on all awards, please contact oacaward@uoguelph.ca.

Wilder Family Scholarships

Thanks to a $2-million gift from U of G alumnus Andy Wilder (BSc Agr. ‘84), three new scholarships have been created to attract top Canadian and international students to the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) to pursue a career in the Canadian agri-food sector. The funding will create the single largest scholarship offered at U of G, at $80,000, and will be awarded to one student each year pursuing an undergraduate degree in OAC. 


OAC Graduate Promise & Potential Fund

The Ontario Agricultural College Graduate Promise & Potential Fund (GP&PF) was established to provide support to students who are experiencing unforeseen and unavoidable financial emergencies. The OAC GP&PF assists in situations where the emergency may impede academic progress or success.

It is expected that the student has explored all other possible sources of funding and has exhausted all other resources prior to submission of an OAC GP&PF application.

To be considered, students must be currently registered in a graduate program offered by the Ontario Agricultural College. Emergency costs must have been incurred during the academic year while registered in their program.

OAC GP&PF applications are accepted on an on-going basis and will be reviewed within 3 business days following submission. Once review is complete, students will receive an update emailed to their UoG email account. 

Application Form

Associate Diploma Awards

Awards are available for students at both OAC campuses (Guelph and Ridgetown). Some awards are open to students in all diploma programs, while others are restricted to students in specific diploma programs in agriculture, horticulture or turfgrass management. For information on awards at the Ridgetown Campus, contact:

Alison McMahon, Student Financial Aid & Awards Counsellor
519-674-1500. Ext. 63507 
Ridgetown Campus website

Notice: It is understood that merit award winners names will be released to donors and may be published as a condition of the award.

W.T. Ewen Diploma Entrance Scholarships (ACCESS AWARD)

The estate of the late professor William T. Ewen, OAC faculty Member who taught soil science, provides 9 entrance scholarships of $2,500 each to students entering an OAC Associate Diploma program at any campus. Applicants are selected on the basis of financial need, academic achievement based on Grade 12 grades (70% or higher) and participation in extracurricular and/or community activities. Preference will be given to applicants from a farming family in Ontario. Apply by May 15 to your OAC campus Awards Office by letter outlining academic achievement based on Grade 12 grades (70% or higher) and participation in extracurricular and/or community activities and include a completed University of Guelph Financial Need Assessment Form, which is available here. Students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award.

Norman E. McCollum Turfgrass Diploma Entrance Scholarship [E0606]

Donor(s): Norman McCollum, the Ontario Golf Course Superintendents Association and the OAC Alumni Foundation

Norman McCollum (Diploma Agriculture OAC 1966) a long-term employee of the University of Guelph, involved with the diploma course and the Turfgrass Institute, and Past President of the Alumni Association, along with the Ontario Golf Course Superintendents’ Association has established this $2,500 scholarship in honour of his retirement. Students entering the Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management are eligible. Selection will be based on best overall experience, interest and career aspirations in turfgrass management and the recommendation letter from an employer applicable to the industry. Apply by letter (no more than two pages) to Student Financial Services (via email at awards@uoguelph.ca) by April 15 outlining previous work experience along with a copy of the Supplementary Information Form and a letter of recommendation from an employer applicable to the industry.

Steve Verrall Commemorative Prize [C1171]

Donor(s): Royal Ottawa Golf Club & Members

The Royal Ottawa Golf Club and its members have generously funded this award as a means to honour the legacy of their late superintendent, Steve Verrall. Students who are graduating from the Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management program are eligible, with a preference given to students from the Ottawa Region. 

Apply by April 1st to the OAC Awards committee (oacawards@uoguelph.ca) with a letter confirming interest in pursuing a career in the golf industry; include your goals.

Recipient will be selected based on demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in the golf course industry, in the event of a tie, the student with the highest cumulative average will be selected.

Associate Diploma in Agriculture (ADA) 125th Anniversary Scholarships (I0626)

Donor(s): OAC Alumni Foundation

The OAC Alumni Foundation and the alumni and friends of the diploma program sponsor four (4) scholarships of $2,000 each in recognition of the 125th anniversary of the two year Associate Diploma programs. Apply by letter (no more than two pages) to the appropriate campus awards office by May 15 outlining involvement in student organizations, 4H, Junior Farmers, and rural community activities with an emphasis on leadership qualities and include plans for future career.

Students enrolled in any Associate Diploma program at Guelph or Ridgetown who have completed semester two with a minimum cumulative average of 70% and who have demonstrated leadership ability in student organizations, 4-H, Junior Farmers or other rural community activities are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to students planning a career in farming or any aspect of the agri-food, turf or horticulture industries.

Credit Valley Horticultural Society Scholarship [I0467]

Donor(s): Credit Valley Horticultural Society

OAC students studying in horticulture at the degree or diploma level who have completed 5.0 credits with a minimum average of 70% are eligible for this award.

Bruce County Scholarship [I0036]

Donor(s): County of Bruce

The county of Bruce sponsors a $2000 scholarship for a student from Bruce County. No application is necessary.

A student from Bruce County who has completed 3.0 credits of the Associate Diploma in Agriculture program on any OAC campus with the highest cumulative average for the first year of the diploma program.

William Park Carr Scholarship [C0049]

Donor(s): Estate of Samuel Leister Carr

A scholarship of $1,500 is awarded annually from the estate of Samuel Leister Carr. Apply by April 1 with a letter to your Regional Campus Awards Office outlining your participation in community and college activities and your plans to return to and take an active part in the operation of a farm.

Students who are graduating from the Associate Diploma in Agriculture with a minimum "B" standing in semester 3 and 4 and who have demonstrated willingness to assume responsibility and leadership in college and community activities. Preference will be given to candidates who upon graduation, take an active part in the operation of a farm; who are involved with the management and day-to-day operation of the farm and who have capital investments in the farm.

Keith Dixon Memorial Scholarship [I0593]

Donor(s): Friends, Family and Colleagues of Keith Dixon

Established in memory of Keith Dixon by his family, friends and colleagues at Farm Credit Canada, the Keith Dixon Memorial Scholarship provides a $1,000 scholarship to a student continuing in a diploma program at any OAC campus. Apply to your regional campus of OAC by May 15th with a two-page essay outlining your current involvement in farm activities and the reasons why you have chosen farming as your career.

Qualification(s): Students in any OAC Associate Diploma Program who have a cumulative minimum average of 65% or higher and have completed six credits are eligible for this award.

W.T. Ewen In-course Scholarship [I0097]

Donor(s): OAC Class of 1958A

The Class of 1958 Associates provides a $500 scholarship in honour of Professor W.T. Ewen, former faculty member in the Department of Land Resource Science. Apply to your Regional Campus Awards Office by May 15 with a one-page letter outlining your contributions to class and college student activities.

Associate Diploma in Agriculture students who have completed the first year and who have demonstrated leadership ability through contributions to class and college student activities.

Ketchum Manufacturing Limited Scholarship [I0149]

Donor(s): Ketchum Manufacturing Inc. of Ottawa

A scholarship of $350 is offered by Ketchum Manufacturing Inc. of Ottawa. Apply to your Regional Campus awards office by May 15 with a letter of no more than 2 pages outlining your extracurricular activities.

Students completing semester 2 of the OAC Associate Diploma in Agriculture program are eligible. The OAC Awards Committee will select the recipient based on academic proficiency and participation in extracurricular activities.

OAC '59-A and Ralph Campbell Memorial Leadership Scholarship [I0592]

Donor(s): Class of OAC 59A

The Class of OAC 59A sponsors two $1,000 scholarships for students registered in any OAC Associate Diploma program at the Ridgetown or Kemptville campus  (1 award for each campus) with a minimum 70% cumulative average. Selection will be based on leadership abilities and extra-curricular activities as demonstrated through involvement in 4-H, Junior Farmers, other high school and community activities, involvement in diploma class activities and committees, campus activities such as College Royal, judging, etc. and campus sports.  Apply by May 15 to your regional OAC Awards Office with a one page letter outlining leadership and extra-curricular involvement, involvement in diploma class activities and committees, campus activities such as College Royal, judging, etc. and campus sports.

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Minister's Leadership Award [C0191]

Donor(s): Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs offers a $1,000 prize and plaque, to a convocating student from each of the four OAC campuses with a minimum cumulative average of 75%. Selection will be based on demonstrated outstanding leadership in student activities and academic achievement. No application is required. All eligible students will be considered.

Alois Popper Memorial Scholarship [I0235]

Donor(s): Family and Friends of Alois Popper

One scholarship of $300 is offered by family and friends of Alois Popper, a farmer in the Hamilton area. Apply to your Regional Campus Awards Office by May 15 with a letter of not more than two pages outlining your extracurricular and community activities.

Students completing between 3.5 and 6.0 credits of the OAC Associate Diploma in Agriculture program. The OAC Awards Committee will select the recipient based on participation in extracurricular and community activities such as 4-H and Junior Farmers.

Robert C. Skipper Scholarship [E0485]

Donor(s): Estate of Robert C. Skipper

Dorothy and Clay Switzer Leadership Scholarship [C0556]

Donor(s): Clay Switzer

The OAC Alumni Foundation sponsors a $2500 scholarship for a student in the Associate Diploma program who has demonsated outstanding leadership ability by involvement in OAC student organizations and activities. The current year's recipients of the OAC Associate Diploma in Agriculture "125th Scholarships" from Alfred, Kemptville, Ridgetown and Guelph will be invited to submit their written answers to 5 short-answer questions allowing them to demonstrate their leadership ability and involvement.

TSC Stores Diploma Scholarship in Memory of Gordon Illes [E0721]

In memory of Gordon Illes, a 1974 graduate of Ridgetown, TSC Stores L.P. sponsors a scholarship of $500 for students entering any OAC Associate Diploma in Agriculture program at the Ridgetown Campus with a minimum 80% admission average. Applicants will be selected based on the quality of experience and/or leadership in volunteerism within the agriculture industry and the community, including extra-curricular activities and career aspirations. (e.g. 4H, Junior Farmers, Agricultural Work experience). Preference will be given to employees or children of employees of TSC Stores. Apply by April 15 to the OAC Regional Awards Office at Ridgetown Campus with a letter outlining career aspirations, extracurricular and community involvement in agri-food related activities and include a letter from TSC Stores management to verify employment if applicable.

Students entering any OAC Associate Diploma in Agriculture program at the Ridgetown Campus with a minimum 80% admission average are eligible for this award.

Gwen Karr Memorial Bursary [I3010]

Donor(s): Mr. T.K.C. Karr, O.A.C. '32

David R. Leach Memorial Bursary [I3534]

Donor(s): Mrs. Deborah Leach-Sartor with matching funding through the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund

OAC '43 and Gord Bennett Memorial Bursary [E3515]

Donor(s): The family and friends of R. Gordon Bennett, O.A.C. '43 with matching funding through the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund

OAC Diploma Alumni Bursaries [I3519]

Donor(s): OAC Alumni Diploma Group

The Guelph OAC Diploma Alumni Group, with the aid of the OSOTF program, has created several awards of up to $1,000 each for students enrolled in any diploma program offered by OAC at Alfred, Guelph, Kemptville and Ridgetown campuses. Apply by October 7 to your regional campus awards office with a one-page letter outlining your community and/or extracurricular activities including a completed University of Guelph Financial Need Assessment Form, which is available here.

Students enrolled in any diploma program offered by OAC who have a demonstrated financial need and have maintained a cumulative average of 60% or higher are eligible. Preference will be given to students who have participated in community and/or extracurricular activities.

Ontario Grape Growers Bursary [I3033]

Donor(s): The Ontario Grape Growers Action Committee

Ontario Agri Business Association Diploma Bursaries [I3504]

Donor(s): Ontario Agri Business Association

The Ontario Agri Business Association, with the aid of the OSOTF program, provides five $600 awards (1 for Alfred campus; 2 for Ridgetown campus; 2 for Kemptville campus). Apply by Oct 7 to the Regional Campus Awards Committee with a letter detailing your involvement in community/extracurricular activities and include a University of Guelph Financial Need Assessment Form, which is available here.

Students who have completed a minimum 6.0 credits in the Associate Diploma in Agriculture program in the disciplines of animal production, field crops or business with a minimum cumulative average of 60% are eligible. Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need and involvement in community/extracurricular activities.

Ontario Cattlemen's Association Bursaries [I3508]

Donor(s): Ontario Cattlemen's Association

The Ontario Cattlemen's Association, supported by the OAC Alumni Foundation and the OSOTF program, provides up to 3 bursaries of $500 each. Apply by letter to your Regional Campus Awards Office by October 1 describing your interest in the cattle business and or beef production and include a completed University of Guelph Need Assessment Form, which is available here.

Associate Diploma in Agriculture students in their second year of the program who have a minimum cumulative average of 50% and who have an interest in the cattle business and/or beef production. Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need and demonstrated interest in the cattle business and/or beef production.

Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association Scholarship [I4513]  

Donor(s): Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association and the OAC Alumni Foundation

This Association and the OAC Alumni Foundation provide two awards of $500 to Diploma in Agriculture or Horticulture students with demonstrated financial need (1 for Kemptville Campus; 1 for Ridgetown Campus). Apply by October 1 to your Regional Campus Awards Office with a completed University of Guelph Financial Need Assessment Form, which is available here.

Associate Diploma in Agriculture or Associate Diploma in Horticulture students with demonstrated financial need who are in Semester 3 or 4, are enrolled in Fruit and/or Vegetable Production and who had a cumulative average of 70% at the end of semester 2 are eligible for this award.

Ontario Pork (Diploma) Bursary [I3050]

Donor(s): Ontario Pork

Ontario Pork provides a bursary of $500 to an Associate Diploma in Agriculture student at any OAC campus. Apply by October 7th to your Regional Campus Awards Office with a completed financial need assessment form and a letter of no more than two pages outlining your interest in pork production.

Students enrolled in the Associate Diploma in Agriculture program at any OAC campus who have completed semester 2 with satisfactory academic standing and who have an interest in pork production are eligible for this award. Selection will be based on greatest financial need.

Robert, Louis and Helen Shaw Memorial Scholarships [I4520]

Donor(s): The Shaw Scholarship Committee with matching funding through the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund

Michael Stukas Memorial Scholarship [I0726]

Donor(s): Mrs. Kelly Stukas

In memory of Michael Stukas, an annual scholarship of $750 is awarded to an Associate Diploma in Horticulture student with demonstrated financial need. Apply by October 7 to your Regional Campus Awards Office with a completed University of Guelph Financial Need Assessment Form, which is available here.

Students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the Associate Diploma in Horticulture program at the Alfred, Kemptville or Ridgetown campuses, who have completed Landscape Design I and are planning to register for Landscape Design II. Selection will be based on maintaining a 70% cumulative average in all courses, academic achievement in Landscape Design I and financial need.

Canada's Outdoor Farm Show Travel Grants [T3536]

Donor(s): Canada's Outdoor Farm Show with matching funding through the Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund

Class of OAC '59 Experiential Learning Travel Grant [T0702]

Donor(s): OAC Alumni Foundation on behalf of OAC’59

Ginty Jocius Journey of Growth Travel Grant [T0658]

Donor(s): Ginty Jocius and Family

Kincardine Shippers Association Travel Grant [T0676]

Donor(s): Kincardine Shippers Association

Kenneth W. Knox Diploma Leadership Travel Grant [T4406]

This $1,000 travel grant was established by the family, friends, and colleagues with the aid of the Ontario government's OTSS program to honour and recognize Kenneth Knox, Kemptville '67, OAC '72, for his passionate and innovative career.  Students registereed in any diploma program offered by OAC who have completed at least 8.0 credits with a minimum 70% cumulative average, have demonstrated leadership contributions and plan to participate in an experiential learning opportunity related to their field of study, such as: field course, conference, etc. and have a demonstrated financial need are eligible to apply. Selection will be based on relevance of intended travel and benefits to program of study, significance of leadership contributions and financial need. Apply by October 7 to the applicable campus Awards Committee. Students from the Guelph campus apply to Student Financial Services. All students must submit a letter outlining planned travel, reasons for travel, dates of travel, estimated costs and expected benefits, leadership skills as demonstrated by participation in extracurricular activities and volunteer service, along with a completed University of Guelph Financial Need Assessment Form, which is available here. A reference letter from a faculty member providing criteria for relevance of intended travel and benefits to program of study will be considered.

OAC Diploma Travel Grants [T0089]

This scholarship was established by industry and Guelph Alumni to provide for one or more OAC diploma students who are planning to travel to increase their academic experience.  Travel can be provincial, national or international and can include students needing to travel for course activity among the campuses.  Students enrolled in OAC diploma programs with a minimum 60% cumulative average at any campus of the University of Guelph who are travelling for coursework or experiential learning as part of the diploma program.  Apply by October 1 to your regional awards office with a letter outlining the proposed travel plans, costs, and academic purpose accompanied by a letter of support from a faculty member endorsing the value of travel to further the academic experience or exposure opportunity.

OAC Learning Trust (Richards Trust)

The OAC Learning Trust supports learning opportunities and initiatives that enhance the skills of associate diploma, undergraduate and graduate students (Richards Trust) in OAC. Supporting our students' self-identified and self-directed learning opportunities is an important way we ensure excellence in educational programming at the Guelph and Ridgetown campuses.

The OAC Learning Trust supports:

  • Experiential Learning: Supporting hands-on, real world learning opportunities domestically or internationally for students including field trips, lab trips and trips to attend academic/ skills competitions
  • International Development: Providing travel opportunities for students that enhance learning including attendance at international youth congresses, leadership opportunities, travel to support and learn from development projects and other programs that enhance global awareness and understanding and help students to develop and improve communications, organizational and networking skills.
  • Student Lead Initiatives: Support events, symposia, conventions or skills workshop to enhance learning for students in initiatives developed for and run by students

The OAC Learning Trust is an endowment fund, established with donations, designed to enrich the student experience, promote excellence in learning and provide new opportunities and enhanced accessibility to learning opportunities for students (diploma and undergraduate) enrolled in courses and programs administered by the OAC. Preference is given to projects that benefit multiple students and/or student groups.

Application Information

Learning Trust proposals are accepted in the Fall. Exact deadline date will be updated and posted on the OAC Application Form webpage. Additional calls for proposals may be run in the Summer and/or Winter Semester depending on funds available. 

Applications for support are submitted by OAC students but can be developed and supported by faculty, staff and academic units in OAC.

The OAC Learning Trust Application form is available online. Click here to access the application form to create and submit your proposal.

Contact: oacaward@uoguelph.ca
519-824-4120 Ext. 52284

Examples of Funded Initiatives

Learning Trust (Diploma and Undergraduate)

  • Trip Example: OAC Swine Club  Iowa Trip: Awarded $2,000
  • Competition Example: University of Guelph’s Turf Club, Collegiate Turf Bowl: Awarded: $3,000
  • Event Example: OAC Winter Games: Awarded $200

Richards Trust (Graduate)

  • Trip Example: The Great Lakes Plant Breeding Initiative (GLPBI) – Field trip for plant breeding graduate students: Awarded $1,250
  • Competition Example: OAC Graduate Team attending the 2018 Annual Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment Contest: Awarded $750
  • Event Example: 8th Annual OAC Graduate Student Council Colloquium: Awarded $100

Thank you to the various donors, alumni and the OAC Alumni Foundation for their financial support of the OAC Learning Trust.

Scholarship Application Forms

Convocation Awards 

Application Deadline: April 1st (11:59 PM)

Undergraduate Fall Awards

Application Deadline:  May 15th (11:59 PM)

Graduate Fall Awards

Application Deadline: August 15th (11:59 PM)

Travel Grants

Travel Date(s)Application Deadline
May 1st - August 31stMarch 15th
September 1st - December 31stJuly 15th
January 1st - April 30thNovember 15th



Learning Trust

Application Deadline: November 25th (11:59 PM)

International Course-Based Masters

Application Deadline: April 15th (11:59 PM)
Note: For 2024, the application deadline has been extended to April 26th at 11:59 PM