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News related to news

New Assistant Prof in Companion Animal Nutrition

The Department of Animal and Poultry Science (APS) is pleased to welcome Dr. Kate Shoveller as an Assistant Professor in Companion Animal Nutrition. Shoveller joined the department on August 4, 2015. “We are very pleased to have Kate join our department,” says Jim Squires, chair of APS. “This is a critical role for both APS and the University. Her research expertise in amino acid metabolism, behaviour and nutrition will bolster our focus in companion animal nutrition and directly benefit our students in the animal biology program.”

New Research Chair in Sustainable Pest Management

The Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) and School of Environmental Sciences are pleased to announce the creation and appointment of a new research chair in sustainable pest management. Prof. Cynthia Scott-Dupree has been appointed as the Bayer CropScience Chair in Sustainable Pest Management.

Environmental Sciences Welcomes New Prof

The School of Environmental Sciences (SES) is pleased to announce Dr. James Longstaffe has been appointed to a tenure track position effective June 15, 2015. He will join the School as an assistant professor.

Agri-Food Policy Legacy Continues with Gift

A $450,000 gift from the George Morris Centre will enable new agriculture and food policy research and scholarships at the University of Guelph (U of G).

Learning the Art of Adaptability

Seven years after receiving her undergraduate degree, Ashley Honsberger decided it was time to return to school. Her career focus on farm business management was missing the international development link she longed for. To reset her career path, she pursued a Master’s of Science in Capacity Development and Extension (CDE) at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development.

The McIntosh Family: Investing in Agriculture

Whether they’re scrambled, boiled, fried or whipped into an omelette, eggs are a favourite staple of the Canadian diet. Over 1,000 egg farmers contribute $1.4 billion to Canada’s GDP every year, but how often does the average Canadian think about what goes into producing an egg?

Investing in Agriculture: The Klosler Family

For hundreds of years, generations of the Klosler family worked off the land in Transylvania, Romania; growing fruit, making wine and raising livestock. In 1921, shortly after the end of WWI, George Klosler’s grandfather came to Canada to earn money for his family. He always planned to return home, but the onset of the Great Depression and WWII prevented him from making the trip he longed for. He continued to work on a tobacco farm in Norfolk County, Ontario with his family a continent away.

Alternative Learning with Cow Inspired Choruses

Second semester of fourth year is a stressful time for undergraduate students. “In last week’s class you could feel the tension,” explains Prof. Vern Osborne from the Department of Animal and Poultry Science who is currently teaching the  Applied Environmental Physiology & Animal Housing course. Vern’s solution to a class full of stressed out fourth years was to mix up one of his class’ format to give them a break. In his March 12 class, he asked his students to become “Flash Mob Solvers”.


New Professor in Beef Genomics

The Department of Animal and Poultry Science is pleased to announce Dr. Angela Canovas as the new Beef/Small Ruminant Genomics Professor beginning June 15, 2015.

Investing in Agriculture: The McCracken Family

Upon arriving at the McCracken family home in Scotland, Ontario, we are greeted by their standard schnauzer named Fritz. Friendly, regal and a big part of the family; little did we know how Fritz would play a part in our story. Ron and Doreen McCracken both grew up on farms, and still feel at home in the country today. Their current residence, built in 1993, has some 48 acres. A neighbour farms a portion of the land with the remaining set aside for hobby farming, their garden and a place for Fritz to roam. Ron has kept bees, raised geese and ducks, and even guinea hens, but today he enjoys retirement after a long and interesting career.

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