OAC releases new strategic vision document
The Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) released a new strategic vision document today, entitled Our Shared Priorities.
The document, which will help guide the college until 2023, reflects a more than year-long process of consultation and discussion with students, staff, faculty, alumni and stakeholders. It was drafted by the Strategic Planning Committee and the Dean’s Council Management Team, with input and suggestions provided by over 240 community members.
“I want to sincerely thank everyone who was involved in the process,” says Rene Van Acker, dean of OAC. “I am immensely proud of what we have created together. It truly captures who we are as a community and where we want to go.”
Our Shared Priorities will act as a touchstone, helping to focus OAC’s efforts and remind community members of the value placed on five strategic areas: student success, achieving excellence, supporting our people, organizational effectiveness and our legacy and reputation.
“We we will look to this document to remind us of what matters most in terms of who we are and what we do,” adds Van Acker. “It will also influence an annual reporting exercise that will showcase how we are working together to achieve this collective vision.”
The full strategic vision can be viewed online here or the "Our Shared Priorities" PDF can be downloaded here.