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Map of The Bahamas.

5 Tips for Dealing with Homesickness when Studying Abroad

Students travel abroad for higher education for many reasons. Maybe you want to attend a top institution for your program of choice. Or, you received a scholarship that’s just too good to pass up. Maybe you and your family see great benefits in you receiving global exposure, beyond the bubble of your home country. 

Natalie sits in a yard with a cat.

Q&A with a companion animal nutritionist

Natalie Asaro is a companion animal nutritionist with Petcurean, a Canadian pet food brand. She graduated from the Department of Animal Biosciences with her master’s and quickly jumped into industry with ease. She recently sat down with us to talk about her role and trends in pet food and share some thoughtful advice.

Milk: a versatile Canadian ingredient

A cup of 2% cow’s milk contains 15 nutrients that are essential for health, including calcium (302 mg), vitamin D (2.8 mcg) and protein (9g).

Apples: a beloved Canadian ingredient

Apples are made up of carbohydrates (these help give the body energy), water and sugar. They provide a good source of fibre, vitamin C and potassium, which are all important to keep your body healthy and strong.

Pulses: a nutritious Canadian ingredient

Pulse is the name given to the wide variety of edible seeds we grow. Pulses include dry beans, dry peas, lentils and chickpeas. Pulses have twice the amount of protein found in whole grain cereals like wheat, oats, barley and rice. They are also a major source of fibre which helps to keep our bodies and digestive systems healthy.  The vitamins and minerals contained in pulses also help to keep our body systems functioning well!

Celebrating Food Day Canada 2020

"Food Day Canada (to be held on Saturday, August 1st, 2020) is a chance for all Canadians to join hands (virtually) in one massive celebration in praise of our farmers and fishers; our chefs and researchers…and, above all, our home cooks."

We’re celebrating Food Day Canada this year by sharing information, recipes and fun facts for the whole family. Many of our alumni and community are balancing working from home and childcare, so we thought we’d share some fun activities to entertain everyone. 

Honey: a sweet Canadian ingredient

We’re celebrating Food Day Canada this year by sharing information, recipes and fun facts for the whole family. Many of our alumni and community are balancing working from home and childcare, so we thought we’d share some fun activities to entertain everyone. 

Food Day Canada is a great opportunity to enjoy food, make food and learn about food.

Head shot of Shing-Tian.

Meet Shing-Tian Ma, Food Industry Management Student

Shing-Tian Ma is a fourth year Food Industry Management (FIM) student. She believes the blend of business and science in the FIM program is the perfect academic mix for her career goals. With the combination of knowledge in food science from a previous college, and her hands-on managerial training at the University of Guelph, she dreams of making an impact in the food manufacturing industry.

Things International Students Should Know About U of G

Are you an international student with an offer to the University of Guelph? Or maybe you’re thinking about applying? Already accepted? 

If you fall in any of these categories, it’s important that you read this post to learn more about the support available to international students at U of G! 

If you’re anything like me, you are uneasy about going to a school in the small town of Guelph for fear of standing out. I was scared I wouldn’t meet people from similar backgrounds, scared that I would be the only person of colour in the whole town, scared that there would be no community waiting to accept me once I got here. 

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