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PODS | The Philosophy of Data Science

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Our faculty and students pursue the exciting, big questions that have always stimulated thinkers in different eras and cultures. 

How should we live? What do we owe each other, or future generations? How should we reason, and weigh evidence? More deeply: What is it to be a person, or to be a citizen? What is it to think, to reason? New answers to these questions are always being proposed and debated; new questions are being asked too. Philosophy sparks your imagination and encourages you to look at yourself and your world in new ways. Philosophy provides you with the fundamental skills to think critically, communicate clearly, and to problem-solve effectively. So, no matter where you plan to go after your BA—academia, law, business, education, the arts—philosophy gives you the tools to succeed in whatever you choose to do next.
We look forward to thinking along with you!

Philosophy, BA
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  • Ethics Bowl at U of G Feb. 10

    The Ethics Bowl comes to U of G on Feb 10!

    Sponsored by the College of Arts, and organized by the Philosophy Department, the Ethics Bowl is somewhat like debate club. But typical debate encourages bias and teaches students that defending their tribe’s view is more important than the truth. The Ethics Bowl takes a different approach. The Ethics Bowl emphasizes impartial truth-seeking and promotes collaboration and empathy in the resolution of ethical dilemmas. Students learn to work together. They learn to hear alternative viewpoints. They learn to considerately respond to opposing perspectives. And while the Ethics Bowl is a serious competition, the victors are not those who yell the loudest. Eleven teams from Local high schools will be competing for a spot in the Provincial finals in the spring at the University of Toronto, Mississauga.

    Recent evidence shows that participation in the Ethics Bowl increases high school students’ reflectiveness, intellectual humility, recognition of epistemic limitations, and decreases affective polarization.