Alumni Improving Life: Here’s How

At the University of Guelph, our shared mission among students, staff, faculty and alumni is to Improve Life. We see examples of alumni improving life daily – in the news, in our communities and around the world: Matt Wittek, B.Comm. ’03, is on a mission to rid the world of plastic waste by developing reusable

Alumni Matters – Spring 2018

Martin Bosch and Julia Christensen

University of Guelph students are here on campus for a short time, and we proudly welcome you to the alumni family upon graduation. Whether you are a new grad or you’re celebrating a milestone class reunion this year or you are somewhere in between, we want you to have as many reasons as possible to

We Asked, Thousands Of You Answered!

Digital Hand

Survey says… Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer our recent alumni survey, intended to help us learn how engaged you are in the life of the University, and to find out more about what you need from your alma mater. Once we’ve analyzed the results, we can shape our programs and

Alumni Matters – Spring 2017

Frosty Mug hockey game at University of Guelph.
ALUMNI NEWS The University of Guelph campus has grown and changed over the years, but one thing remains the same — alumni are the roots of the University. Whether you are working across the globe or living across the street, you will always be connected to your alma mater. It’s important for the University to

Alumni Matters – Fall 2016

Homecoming at the Unviersity of Guelph.
ALUMNI NEWS Retailers are always asking for our opinions: How was your shopping experience today? What products do you buy regularly? They use customer surveys to make certain their products and services are relevant and meaningful, and they make changes based on the data they receive. We’re want to make sure our offerings are relevant