Prof. Jeff Power has uncovered the “secret” to staying strong as we age: superb fitness.
Category: Discovery
Bee flower choices are altered by exposure to pesticides
Low levels of pesticides can impact the foraging behaviour of bumblebees on wildflowers, changing their floral preferences and hindering their ability to learn the skills needed to extract nectar and pollen, according to a study co-authored by Prof. Nigel Raine, School of Environmental Sciences.
Is it safe to eat foods past the ‘best before’ date?
It’s a common food dilemma: the “best before” date on your packaged salad is tomorrow. Does that mean you have to eat it today? Will it become dangerous tomorrow at midnight? Not likely, says food science professor Keith Warriner. The best before date refers to the shelf life of an unopened product — once the
Recognizing mental illness in veterinarians and farmers
Population medicine professor Andria Jones-Bitton recently worked with the Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council to modify Mental Health First Aid Canada’s program to offer mental health first aid training to veterinarians and those in agricultural support organizations.
How past experiences affect memory
New research on the brain and memory could help in developing therapies for people with schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.
For landlords, it’s easier being green
Landlords thinking about renovating their office buildings may want to consider adding environmentally friendly technologies. According to a study by real estate and housing professor Avis Devine, “green” buildings have higher rents and occupancy rates, as well as more satisfied tenants.
Do human patients impact therapy horses?
Many studies show the benefits of equine-assisted therapies for human patients, but Prof. Katrina Merkies, Animal Biosciences, aims to learn if the relationship impacts the therapy horses.
Hagfish offer insight into cardiovascular health
It’s often considered one of the weirdest sea creatures and almost certainly the slimiest. But learning how hagfish survive without oxygen could offer valuable insights for cardiovascular research, according to a new study co-led by Prof. Todd Gillis, Integrative Biology.
Lying to get the job
Have you ever lied in a job interview? Based on the findings of a recent study by U of G researchers, chances are you probably have.
Engineers help develop air-cleaning sound barrier
People who live near highways can breathe a little easier, thanks to a new type of sound barrier that can help clean the air.