People love to hate do-gooders, especially at work

Professor Pat Barclay

Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be a do-gooder, according to a new University of Guelph study. Highly cooperative and generous people can attract hatred and social punishment, especially in competitive circumstances, says study author and psychology professor Pat Barclay. “Most of the time we like the cooperators, the good guys. We like it when the

Training for a big race or personal best? Don’t overdo it

Alexandra Coates

Many recreational triathletes and runners often ramp up their training in hopes of getting a personal best or winning a race. But new research from the University of Guelph demonstrates that more isn’t always better. Overload training may alter firing in the body’s sympathetic nerve fibres, which could hinder performance. “The theory behind overload training

North American diets require more land than we have

Tractor in field

If the global population adopted recommended North American dietary guidelines, there wouldn’t be enough land to provide the food required, according to a new study co-authored by University of Guelph researchers. Global adherence to United States Department of Agriculture guidelines would require one giga-hectare of additional land—roughly the size of Canada—under current farming practice. “It

Free-ranging animals ingesting neonics

Wild Turkeys

Health impacts of neonicotinoids may go well beyond bees, according to a new University of Guelph study. Residues of the insecticides were found in the livers of wild turkeys, providing evidence that this common agrochemical is being ingested by free-ranging animals. The researchers from the Ontario Veterinary College are among the first to study the

Cannabis may help chemo patients

Cannabis may help chemo patients

A compound from cannabis could be developed into promising anti-nausea treatments for cancer patients on chemotherapy, suggests a new research paper by University of Guelph scientists. The study is the first to show the specific trigger for nausea – a common symptom of many diseases and a distressing side effect of chemotherapy that is not

U of G Researcher, 8-Year-Old Team up to Fight ‘Bug’ Bullies, Publish Paper

When Sophia Spencer was bullied at school for her love of bugs, the eight-year-old couldn’t have imagined that she would gain international attention and a credit along with U of G researcher Morgan Jackson as a co-author and subject of a journal article. Spencer and Jackson, a PhD candidate in the School of Environmental Sciences