Food faceoff: sports nutritionist Jennifer Sygo weighs in on why a balanced meal plan always scores higher than the latest diet fad

Sports nutritionist Jennifer Sygo, food fact or fiction.
Story by Susan Bubak | Photography by Jennifer Roberts [dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou are what you eat — that’s especially true of professional athletes whose success depends on what they consume before, during and after each game. As the sports nutritionist for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jennifer Sygo is part of the team behind the team that keeps

From Star Wars to the science of sleep, first-year seminars offer a unique learning experience for students and instructors

By Andrew Vowles | Illustration by Cai Sepulis [dropcap]When[/dropcap] Kailey Morin looked into Guelph’s first-year seminar program as an undergrad, she wasn’t looking to change her life or career goals. She was initially attracted to the descriptions in the course calendar, including her ultimate class choice, “Rags Seldom Turn to Riches,” a seminar course on

Gorilla Doctors brings veterinary care to the jungle floor to save critically endangered mountain gorillas

Story by Teresa Pitman The baby mountain gorilla cradled in his mother’s arms is very sick: he’s lethargic and not nursing, and has a yellow discharge from his eyes and nose. Veterinarian Mike Cranfield, DVM ’77, suspects a respiratory virus complicated with a secondary bacterial pneumonia. Without medical intervention, the baby will die. Cranfield, along with

From the lakes in Ontario’s cottage country to the airwaves in B.C., Scott Duke is finding entrepreneurial success

Guelph grad Scott Duke finds entrepreneurial success in small towns
Story by Andrew Vowles | Photography by Keri Knapp When Scott Duke moved across the country to small-town Revelstoke, B.C., he had a clear plan: snowboard 100 days of the year. To put that plan into action, he needed a job. For Duke, who first ventured into the world of entrepreneurship as a teenager, this