Facebook: friend or foe for health professionals?


What you say on Facebook may affect your professional credibility – especially for those in the health industry. U of G researchers found that posting only one subtle comment expressing workplace frustration was enough for people to view you as a less credible health professional. The first-ever study was published in the Journal of Medical

Tiny radio transmitters provide insect migration clues

Samantha Knight

Wind and warmth can improve travel time for the billions of insects worldwide that migrate each year, according to a first-ever radio-tracking study by University of Guelph biologists. Researchers equipped monarch butterflies and green darner dragonflies with radio transmitters and tracked them through southern Ontario and several northern states. They wanted to learn how environmental

Education helps close gender pay gap

Having a PhD on your résumé is key to closing the gender pay gap, according to new University of Guelph research. In a first-ever study, researchers found the higher the level of education upon graduation, the smaller the gender pay gap. The study, published in the journal Higher Education Policy, revealed the average wage for

3-D printing research opens new possibilities

3D printed skull

When the Ontario Veterinary College’s Michelle Oblak used a 3-D printed custom titanium plate for surgery on a dog’s skull, the procedure not only marked a veterinary first in North America, but it also signalled a potential new breakthrough in cancer research. Along with Cornell University small-animal surgeon Galina Hayes, Oblak removed a large cancerous