Fish moilee recipe

  Fish Moilee Fish curry in coconut milk and spices Matthew George, executive sous chef, in the University of Guelph’s Hospitality Services, shares this recipe for fish moilee — a traditional recipe from Kerala, India. It’s a very delicate dish with beautiful flavours and serves well with steamed rice. INGREDIENTS Tilapia  4 oz Filets –

Behind the lens: explore professor Massimo Marcone’s ‘cabinet of curiosities’

Renaissance collectors accumulated their treasures in rooms called cabinets of curiosities. Today, Prof. Massimo Marcone’s office in U of G’s Food Science Building is a wunderkammer whose collections reflect his world travels in search of exotic edibles — and light bulbs.

Behind the lens: watch Greg Denton paint the final canvas in a 100-portrait project

As the city’s 2015 artist-in-residence, Denton was commissioned to complete a public art project marking the centennial of the writing of In Flanders Fields by Guelph poet John McCrae. For “100 Portraits/100 Poppies: Sitting in Remembrance,” Denton, an instructor in U of G’s School of Fine Art and Music, painted portraits of local military personnel,