CCAP Clinical Training Sequence - MA
The CCAP sequence of clinical training follows a developmental trajectory aimed intentionally to increase core clinical competencies from basic to advanced levels throughout the program. For information on the full sequences of courses and activities, see Area-Specific Typical Progress Sequences MA CCAP.
MA first year
In the Fall semester of the first year, Cognitive Assessment of Children and Adolescents (PSYC*6690) is taken. Students are expected to accurately administer, score and interpret the WISC-V by the completion of this course. Students are to achieve a sufficient level of competence in this course to proceed to engaging with assessments with clients at Maplewoods Centre for PSYC*7991. On practicum, students also complete Maplewoods orientation sessions that include intake line protocol, risk assessment training, and policies and procedures of Maplewoods. Students will participate in training at Maplewoods Centre for completing phone intakes overseen by Clinic Director and a senior graduate student. Students will also take either PSYC*6630, or PSYC*6000 (with each alternating for Fall of the MA1 and MA2 years) during the fall semester, providing integration of developmental theory and/or knowledge of developmental psychopathology.
In the Winter semester of the first year, students take Ethical Issues in Psychology (PSYC*6680) to emphasize major ethical considerations and guidelines that must be followed when undertaking research and clinical work. Students are given early scaffolded practice in ethical decision making. Integrated Child and Adolescent Assessment (PSYC*6010) extends the knowledge and skills in assessment introduced in PSYC*6690 and takes a problem-solving approach to comprehensive cognitive assessment of children and adolescents across multiple areas (e.g., academic achievement and related skills, attention, language, screening of emotional functioning and adaptive behaviour). This course is taken concurrently (and intentionally coordinated) with PSYC*7991 at Maplewoods Centre in which the clinical faculty supervisors provide supervised exposure to first assessment cases. Students will also participate on the intake line, conducting phone screen interviews with potential Maplewoods Centre clients.
MA second year
The Fall Semester of MA2 is comprised of two courses: Developmental Psychopathology (PSYC*6000) OR Developmental Psychology (PSYC*6630; see MA first year) and Clinical Diagnostic and Interviewing Skills (PSYC*6020). These courses are aimed to expand on basic knowledge of typical development by examining the variety of ways that development can go awry in childhood and adolescence and broadening assessment and clinical interviewing skills to assess and understand these complex challenges. Practice of clinical formulation and diagnosis is directly targeted in PSYC*6020. Students are also expected to substantially contribute to a minimum of one full assessment at Maplewoods Centre by the end of this semester.
In the Winter semester of the second year of the MA, students take their first external practicum with an assessment focus, Practicum II (PSYC*7992). The majority of these placements are in a school board psychological services department. Clinical tasks to be undertaken include cognitive, social/personality and learning disabilities assessments. The student will also consult with teachers, school administrators, parents and community agencies, as required by the practicum setting. Many students’ placements may be extended into spring semester, ending in June. The program provides opportunities for these students to meet regularly with the course instructor.