Undergraduate Main Contacts
Inquiries and comments can be directed to the Undergraduate Secretaries at the email addresses listed below.
Assuming your inquiry goes beyond the information already provided by the University of Guelph's Undergraduate Calendar, one of the undergraduate advisors in the department, or one of the Secretaries directly, will contact you via email as soon as possible.
If you are on campus, you will also find a list of our undergraduate advisors posted on the 4th floor of the MacKinnon Extension, on the bulletin board as you come down the hall to the left of the elevator. The directory on the fourth floor will also list the name and number of the Chair's office if you need to contact them directly.
Departmental organizational chart
Administrative Assistant to the Chair
Ashliegh Sayer
4012 MacKinnon
Undergraduate Support
Adriana Tramontana
Undergraduate Program Assistant
4010 MacKinnon
Administrative Support
4010 MacKinnon, Ext. 56235
Graduate Support
Academic Advisor and Manager
Sharon Helder
4015 MacKinnon, Ext. 53260