About Applied Social

Applied Social Psychology Image of crowd with umbrellas

Applied Social Psychology focuses on the investigation of social processes and problems of significance to the general population and to specific groups. Our faculty members and graduate students employ diverse research strategies to answer questions and develop interventions related to issues in areas such as health, interpersonal relationships, violence against women, immigration, culture and community engagement.

Multiple Career Avenues

Our program of study is designed to be comprehensive and, at the same time, to provide the flexibility for students to select a set of courses suited to their career goals. Students have the flexibility to emphasize and receive training directed toward the pursuit of: (1) research in practical or applied settings (e.g., working with community organizations and consulting firms) and/or (2) research in academic settings (e.g., working in universities and colleges). As each student's desired emphasis is unique, our program provides the opportunity for students to select a balance of courses, applied work, and publication opportunities in the service of facilitating students' ultimate research and career goals.

View Program Brochure Here (PDF file)

Diverse methods

Faculty members and graduate students employ diverse research strategies to answer questions related to various social issues. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses are valued as modes of inquiry, and emphasis is often placed on research conducted using community samples. Faculty and student research is conducted using multiple methods, including community surveys, archival research, interviews, observation, recordings of natural interactions, program evaluation, and experimental studies.

Practical Experience

Our graduate students have the opportunity to gain practical experience in a number of settings of their choosing where they conduct research, design and evaluate programs, participate in community-based research, and take part in consulting work. These experiences allow students to acquire new skills and to refine those previously acquired, to develop professional contacts, and to engage in knowledge translation and knowledge transfer activities. 

Graduate Handbooks


MA students

PhD students