No. The expectation is that students applying at the PhD level will have an MA in Child Clinical Psychology. No exceptions.
Students who do not hold a master’s degree in child clinical psychology should apply for admission to the MA program. If they are admitted at the MA level, they may be eligible for consideration to have certain program requirements waived based on completed equivalent graduate level training for relevant courses (e.g., graduate level statistics, research methods in psychology, etc.). The thesis cannot be waived.
In certain limited and exceptional cases, students in this situation may receive support to apply for a degree transfer following provisions laid out by Graduate Studies and following a policy developed by CCAP; please note, this would typically happen after completing one year in the MA program so students apply for the MA program in all cases. Given the high number of training requirements across the MA and PhD that must be completed in order to maintain CPA accreditation standards, and, to prepare students for successful registration/licensure as clinical psychologists, this option is not frequently appropriate for CCAP applicants.