Graduate Studies

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Information Page

Applied Social Psychology Masters and PhD

Results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are NOT required for applications to the Applied Social Psychology program. Applicants may choose optionally to submit ONE additional piece of supplementary information in support of their application, which could include a written paper, master's/honour's thesis, community reference letter, or GRE (General only) results.

Workplace Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Graduate Research Fund

It is with the greatest of pleasure and deepest of gratitude that the Department of Psychology announces the Workplace Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Graduate Research Fund. This research fund has been made possible through the generous donations of I/O faculty and alumni.

If you are conducting, or are planning to conduct, research that contributes to the understanding, reduction or elimination of discrimination in the workplace, we invite you to apply for the WEDI Graduate Research Fund, made available through the generous donations of I/O faculty and alumni.

Graduate Student Mental Health Resources


If you are struggling, please know that there is help available.

You are not alone; a lot of students need help!

“The only mistake you can make is not asking for help.”

― Sandeep Jauhar

soothing image of rock pile and water

PhD Dissertation

One of the central components of the PhD degree is the completion of a dissertation research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The type of research project conducted will vary significantly depending on the research interests of the student and the interests of their primary supervisor. Some of the main steps most projects will involve include writing a project proposal, obtaining ethics review, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up a dissertation. 

AS Qualifying Exam- Research Dossier Content

The research dossier showcases the doctoral student’s accomplishments and skills in the research and professional practice domains. By way of summary and reflection, students write a statement that communicates the focus and goals of their research, areas of interest with respect to content and methods, and dissemination activities. Contract, consulting, and practicum work should also be included in the statement, with commentary about their significance for personal and community development.   

Applied Social Psychology (PhD.PSYC) - Coursework

The following courses are normally required for students continuing from the MA. Students joining the program after having completed a master’s degree at another institution may have different course requirements depending on the courses they completed during their MA. These requirements will be determined at the time of admission. (For descriptions of the courses please see the Graduate Program Calendar)