Deborah Powell

My current research focuses mainly on personnel selection, with an emphasis on finding valid and fair methods of hiring the best employees. Most recently, I have investigated two factors that affect interview performance: interview anxiety, which negatively affects interview performance, and impression managment (honest and deceptive), which tends to increase interview performance.
PhD., Industrial-Organizational Psychology, University of Western Ontario, 2007
MA, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, University of Western Ontario, 2002
BA (honours), Psychology, Queen’s University (2000)
BPHE – physical and health education, Queen’s University, 1999
Selected Publications
Selected Publications:
Hideg, I., Krstic, A., Powell, D. M., & Zhan, Y. (2023). Supporting women during motherhood and caregiving necessary, but not sufficient: The need for men to become equal partners in childcare. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 16(2), 215-220.
Mastrella, S. J., Powell, D. M., Bonaccio, S., & McMurtry, C. M. (2023). The impact of interviewees’ anxious nonverbal behavior on interview performance ratings. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 22(2), 99-110
Teja, H., Powell, D. M., Son Hing, L. S., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2023). Self-promotion in the structured interview—No evidence of differential effects for men and women. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 22(2), 53-65
Powell, D. M., Kavanagh, M. V., Wiseman, B. E., & Hodgins, A. (2023). Effects of Background Cues on Videoconference Interview Ratings. Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 9(1), 3.
Deacon, A., Moore, J., & Powell, D. (2023). Interventions to Improve the Candidate Experience of Structured Videoconference Interviews. Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 9(1), 1.
Kith, S., Cassidy, S., & Powell, D. M. (2022) Cognitive Load’s Effect on Gender Discrimination in Job Interviews. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 30 (2), 281-301.
Zhang, I. Y., Powell, D. M., & Bonaccio, S. (2022). The role of fear of negative evaluation in interview anxiety and social-evaluative workplace anxiety. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 30 (2), 302-310.
Ho, J. L., Perossa, A., Fancett, R. S., & Powell, D. M. (2021). Examining the situational antecedents of interview faking behavior: A qualitative study. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 29 (3-4), 427-447.
Charbonneau, B., Reed, M., & Powell, D. M. (2021). Self-Verification as an employment interview tactic. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 29 (3-4), 393-411.
Pike, M. D., Powell, D. M., & Bourdage, J. S., Lukacik, E. R. (2021) Why not interview? Investigating interviews as an alternative to self-reports for Jjudging honesty-humility" Journal of Personnel Psychology.
Powell, D. M., Bourdage, J. S., & Bonaccio, S. (2021). Shake and fake: The role of interview anxiety in deceptive impression management. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36(5), 829-840.
Constantin, K. L., Powell, D. M., & McCarthy, J. M. (2021). Expanding the conceptual understanding of interview anxiety and performance: Integrating cognitive, behavior, and physiological features. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 29(2), 234-252. DOI: 10.1111/ijsa.12326
Ho, J. L., Powell, D. M., Spence, J. R., & Perossa, A. (2020). Willingness to fake: Examining the impact of competitive climate and hiring situations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.
Powell, D. M., Bourdage, J. S., & Bonaccio, S. (2020). Shake and Fake: the Role of Interview Anxiety in Deceptive Impression Management. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Schneider, L., Powell, D. M., & Bonaccio, S. (2019). Does interview anxiety predict job performance and does it influence the predictive validity of interviews?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27(4), 328-336.
Amaral, A. A., Powell, D. M., & Ho, J. L. (2019). Why does impression management positively influence interview ratings? The mediating role of competence and warmth. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27(4), 315-327.
Ho, J. L., Powell, D. M., Barclay, P., & Gill, H. (2019). The influence of competition on motivation to fake in employment interviews. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
Roulin, N. & Powell, D. M. (2018). Identifying applicant faking in job interviews: Examining the role of Criterion-Based Content Analysis and storytelling. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
McLarnon, M. J. W., Rothstein, M. G., Goffin, R. D., Rieder, M. J., Poole, A., Krajewski, H. T., Powell, D. M., Jelley, B., Mestdagh, T. (2017). How important is personality in the selection of medical school students? Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 442-447.
Powell, D. M., & Bourdage, J. S. (2016). The detection of personality traits in employment interviews: Can “good judges” be trained? Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 194-199.
Feiler, A. R., & Powell, D. M. (2016). The role of self-focused attention and negative self-thought in interview anxiety: A test of two interventions. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 24, 132-149.
Feiler, A. R., & Powell, D. M. (2016). Behavioral expression of job interview anxiety. Journal of Business and Psychology, 31, 155-171.
Schneider, L., Powell, D. M., & Roulin, N. (2015). Cues to deception in the employment interview. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 23, 182-190.
Graduate Courses Taught:
PSYC*6670 Research Methods
PSYC*7010 Recruitment and Selection
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
PSYC*3250 Psychological Measurement
PSYC*3470 Putting Psychology to Work
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