Regulations: Master of Management Studies
Admission to a master's degree program as a regular student may be granted, on
recommendation of the School of Hotel and
Food Administration, to:
- the holder of an honours baccalaureate or its equivalent as set out in 1.1; or
- a student who has satisfied the requirements for transfer from
provisional student.
Applicants are required to submit results of the Graduate Management
Admission Test (GMAT) in addition to the normal documentation required for evaluation.
Minimum Duration
At least three semesters of full-time study must be devoted to the
master's program if the student is admitted as a regular student. Credit may be allowed for up to
one semester of previous graduate study. For a student registered part time, the minimum duration period is
based on the equivalence of three part-time semesters to one full-time semester. A minimum
program fee is applied when a part-time student applies to graduate.
Normally, the thesis must be formally submitted or the program otherwise
completed within forty-eight months of the completion of the minimum duration. Candidates
must understand, however, that announced school policy may require completion of the degree
requirements within a briefer time.
The student's program is established and progress kept under review by the school. The day-to-day
responsibility will rest with the adviser. There will be an advisory committee
of at least two graduate faculty members. The chair of the committee is normally the adviser of
the student's program. The school is encouraged to involve graduate faculty from other academic
units as members of advisory committees.
Students may pursue the MMS degree either by a research-based thesis
option or by major paper and coursework.
The MMS degree of the University of Guelph requires the demonstration
of a reasonable mastery of a concentrated field of study. This is attested by achieving satisfactory standings in a number of courses.
Prescribed Studies: The
research-based thesis option requires at least nine graduate courses (4.5 credits) plus the thesis. At least five of the graduate courses must be taken in
the school. The coursework-and-major-paper option requires ten graduate courses (6.0 credits)
plus a 1.0-credit major paper. At least six of the courses must be taken in the school. The courses
selected must be acceptable to the school and the dean of Graduate Studies for graduate credit.
These substantive courses comprise the candidate's prescribed studies, in which the
student must obtain an overall weighted average grade of at least 'B-' in order to qualify for the degree (see the
sections on Establishment of Programs and
Prescribed Studies).
Additional Courses: In
addition to these prescribed studies the candidate may take ancillary courses supportive of the
special discipline. These courses may be at either the undergraduate or the graduate level. The
standings obtained in them will not affect the average grade of the prescribed studies.
In the total program of the research-based thesis option, the equivalent of at
least one full-time semester must be devoted to research in fulfilment of the thesis requirement.
In order to avoid undue prolongation of the student's program, the research topic should be
identified early and approved by the advisory committee.
See thesis section of the MA and MSc degree
External Examiner: To advise on the thesis and to
participate in the master's examination of students in the thesis option, an external examiner from
outside the university may be appointed by the school director, in consultation with the adviser
and the graduate co-ordinator. The external examiner will submit a written appraisal of the thesis
to the school director. The external examiner is expected to attend the master's examination and
to assist in evaluating all aspects of the candidate's performance.
The Master's Examination: The final oral examination, devoted chiefly to the defence of
the thesis, is a school examination identified as the master's examination. The master's
examination committee normally consists of three or four members appointed by the school's
director, as follows:
- A member of the External Examiner: of the
school who is not a member of the advisory committee, to act as chair of the
master's examination committee and to make arrangements therefor;
- A member of the candidate's advisory committee (normally, the adviser);
- A member of the associated graduate faculty or of the graduate faculty who may be a
member of the advisory committee;
- A fourth member may be appointed from among graduate faculty from another
department, from the school or from the advisory committee, according to school and/or
examination requirements. The fourth member may be an external
If possible, a member of another department should be included on the
The department chair is responsible for notifying the dean of the
composition of the committee and for reporting to the dean the outcome of the
The examination is open to the public; members of the audience may
question the candidate only upon invitation of the chair of the committee.
The examination is passed and the thesis approved if there is no more than
one negative vote. An abstention is regarded as a negative vote. The report to the dean of
Graduate Studies will record the decision as unsatisfactory or satisfactory. If
unsatisfactory, the candidate may be given a second attempt. A second
unsatisfactory constitutes a recommendation to the Board of Graduate Studies that the
student be required to withdraw (see the sections on Unsatisfactory Progress and Appeal of Decisions).
School Regulations
The school may have specified
regulations in addition to those described in this calendar. The student is responsible for
consulting the school concerning any such regulations. University regulations, as specified
herein, take precedence, and may not be overruled by any school regulation.