Hotel And Food Administration
Faculty | MMS | Shared |Courses
Acting director of the school -John Walsh (201 HAFA, Ext. 6118)
Graduate co-ordinator -Iain Murray (303 HAFA, Ext. 4331)
Graduate secretary - TBA

Ann Armstrong BA, MBA, PhD Toronto, Dip. Crim. Cambridge - Assistant
Joachim E. Barth BSc, MSc Guelph - Assistant Professor
Julia Christensen Hughes BComm Guelph, MBA, PhD York - Assistant
K. Michael Haywood BA Guelph, MBA McMaster, Dip. HRIM Ryerson -
Donald J. MacLaurin BS Florida International, MS Nevada (Las Vegas), PhD
Kansas State - Assistant Professor
Tanya MacLaurin BS, MS, PhD Kansas State - Assistant Professor
Iain Murray BComm, MSc Guelph, PhD Kansas State - Assistant
Michael A. Nightingale MPhil Surrey - Professor
John W. Patterson BA Ohio Wesleyan, MBA Cornell - Associate
James R. Pickworth Dipl. Surrey, DMS Ealing, MBA Michigan State -
Associate Professor
Catherine E. Ralston BHSc Guelph, MBA Western Ontario, PhD Wisconsin
(Madison) - Assistant Professor
Margaret Shaw BS, MBA, PhD Cornell - Associate Professor
John Walsh BA Thames Polytechnic, MBA, PhD Western Ontario
- Associate Professor
From the University School of Rural Planning and Development:
Donald G. Reid BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD Waterloo - Associate
Associated Graduate Faculty
Thomas F. Powers AB, MBA Harvard, PhD Georgia State - Retired

The master of management studies, MMS, focuses on the hotel, restaurant,
institutional feeding, and tourism industries as well as the broader area of service industries. The
program is both management oriented for those seeking opportunities in industry, and research
oriented for those planning careers in education and consulting. The MMS program is
coursework and research based. The common core of knowledge expected of all MMS graduates
will be the advanced understanding of hospitality systems in general and specific knowledge, as
applied to hospitality, of management, marketing, tourism, organizational behaviour, finance,
and research methods.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must meet university requirements for admission to graduate
studies. Students come to the program from a variety of disciplines and most have at least one
year's management experience in industry. Those with hospitality backgrounds are usually ready
to enter immediately into their graduate work. Students with business backgrounds may be
required to take foundation courses in hospitality. It may be necessary for those with liberal arts
backgrounds to take foundation courses in both hospitality and business. Each student's program
is designed to take advantage of the individual's particular strengths.
The following foundations are required of all MMS students:
- Computer literacy
- Statistics
- Accounting
- Finance
- Marketing
- Hospitality management/operations
- Organizational behaviour
Normally, the above requirements will be satisfied by university-level
courses taken prior to commencement of graduate studies. Some may be taken simultaneously
with the graduate courses. Some requirements may be satisfied by work experience.
The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is required of all
applicants. Some applicants may be required to take the TOEFL including the Test for Written
English (TWE) and the Test for Spoken English (TSE).
Degree Requirements
The MMS program in the School of Hotel and Food Administration
(HAFA) provides students with flexibility in planning their courses. This permits them to cover
either a broad domain or pursue specific areas. The functional fields in which HAFA is
especially equipped are hospitality management, hospitality marketing and tourism, and
organizational behaviour. The course of study is designed to emphasize the general principles of
management and decision-making as applied to managerial positions or to education in the
hospitality or services areas.
Research is required of all graduate students in the form of both class
projects and a thesis or major paper. The MMS program offers both a thesis option and a
coursework and major paper option. Research topics depend on the student's interests, work
experience, and area of study. Students select faculty members who have backgrounds consistent
with their own interests to serve on their advisory committee.
The general philosophy of the school is to provide considerable flexibility
to meet individual goals yet require basic knowledge to assure a quality program. Beyond basic
requirements, courses may be selected from several supporting disciplines. Students will be
guided in this by their advisory committees and the graduate co-ordinator. The graduate
co-ordinator serves as temporary adviser to incoming students and gives direction until a major
adviser is selected. This must be done before the end of the second semester. The major adviser
will serve as the chair of a two- or three-person advisory committee for students in the major
paper or thesis options, respectively. The major adviser and the advisory committee approve the
program of study, provide advice, and periodically assess progress and accomplishments.
Thesis Option
The MMS thesis option requires nine graduate courses (4.5 credits) plus a
thesis. At least five of the courses must be taken in HAFA. The course of study must also include
at least one course in each of the areas of management, organizational behaviour, finance, and
marketing; two in research; and three in a field of study. The thesis must be orally presented and
defended. The program normally takes two years.
Coursework and Major Paper Option
The MMS coursework and major paper option requires ten graduate
courses (5.0 credits) and a two-semester major paper course of 1.0 credits. At least six of the
courses must be taken in HAFA. The course of study must also include at least one course in
each of the areas of management, organizational behaviour, finance, marketing, research
methods, and three in the field of study. The major paper must be orally presented and will be
graded by the advisory committee. The program normally takes two years.

Business Studies MBA Program
The School of Hotel and Food Administration will participate in the MBA
program in the field of hospitality management. Faculty members whose research and teaching
expertise includes aspects of business administration will offer core courses and serve as advisers
for MBA students. A calendar supplement on this program will be produced when the schedule
of studies is finalized.

- Hospitality Management
- 5406210 Hospitality Facilities and Systems: Planning and Development
(0.5) F
- Provides the framework for developing and analyzing hospitality facilities and
product/service systems; special emphasis on the requirements of a business plan and the
feasibility study or analysis of an existing business.
- 5406220/5406230 Special Topics in Management Issues (0.5) F,W,S
- An advanced course for those specializing in management, marketing or
organizational behaviour. Deals with current and future topics, trends and problems in the
industry, strategic planning, and the integration of management, marketing, and organizational
- 5406400 Managing International Hospitality Institutions (0.5) W
- Examination of the growing internationalization of the hospitality industry in a
managerial context. Course includes understanding of the international environment and
contemporary developments in that environment in the hospitality industry.
- 5406700 Policy and Strategy in the Hospitality Industry (0.5) F or W
- An integrative course which draws together the conceptual theories and models of
the graduate-program core. Utilizes conceptual, analytical, problem identification, and problem
solving skills.
- 5406800 Services Operations Management (0.5) F
- The application of operations research theory and practices for management
decision making and problem solving in service organizations. The focus is on modelling service
delivery systems including the use of simulation, queuing, and locational analysis. Major
emphasis is on managerial problems in food and beverage, lodging, and related hospitality
- Hospitality Marketing and
- 5406300 Hospitality Marketing (0.5) W
- Analysis and application of marketing foundations through integration of
marketing variables with real-world situations and in-depth analysis of strategic marketing
- 5406320/5406330Special Topics in Hospitality Marketing (0.5)
- An advanced course for those specializing in marketing. Deals with marketing
theories, models, and specific subsets of marketing such as pricing, consumer and industrial-
buyer behaviour, distribution, services, and service-delivery concepts.
- 5406600 International Tourism and Tourism Marketing (0.5) W
- Analyzes the social, political and economic impacts of tourism on the world scene
as well as the global integration of tourism in today's society.
- 5406620/5406630 Special Topics in Tourism (0.5) F,W,S
- Advanced course for those specializing in tourism. Deals with theories of tourism
generators, multi-markets, tourism multipliers, current and future trends, regulatory
environments, and distributions systems.
- Organizational Behaviour
- 5406100 Organizational Theory and Design (0.5) F
- Core concepts in organizational theory and their inter-relationships as well as
concepts such as group decision making, and intragroup and intergroup dynamics are
- 5406110 Managerial Skills Development (0.5) W
- Experiential approaches are used to enhance managerial skills. Knowledge and
understanding of the theory and research underlying effective behaviour and skills are
- 5406120/5406130 Special Topics in Hospitality Organizational
Behaviour (0.5) F,W,S
- Advanced course for those specializing in organizational behaviour. Deals with
in-depth analysis of industry organizational behaviour, management of current and future
problems, reorganizations, corporate cultures, multi-cultural organizations, and ethics.
- All Specializations
- 5406900 Major Paper (1.0) F,W,S
- A detailed critical review of an area of study specific to the specialization of
students in the MMS by coursework and major paper option that includes interpretation and
analysis of relevant data.
- Courses in Other Programs
Other courses which may be taken to fulfil the graduation requirements are
offered in other programs. These programs include agricultural economics and business,
computing and information science, economics, philosophy, psychology, mathematics and
statistics, sociology and anthropology, rural planning and development, and landscape