Crop Science
Faculty | MSc | PhD | Shared | Courses
Chair -David J. Hume (309 Crop Science, Ext. 3386)
Graduate co-ordinator -L. Anthony Hunt (405 Crop Science, Ext. 3595) (E-mail:
Graduate secretary -Jean G. Wolting (306 Crop Science, Ext. 6077/8) (E-mail:

Stephen R. Bowley BS, MSc Guelph, PhD Kentucky -Associate Professor
E. Ann Clark BS, MS California, PhD Iowa State -Associate Professor
Larry R. Erickson BA Western Ontario, BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph -Associate
Professor (
Duane E. Falk BSc, MSc Montana State, PhD Guelph -Associate Professor
David J. Hume BSA, MSA Toronto, PhD Iowa State -Professor
Anthony Hunt BSc (Agr) Reading, MSc Wellington, PhD Wales
Kenneth J. Kasha BSc (Agr), MSc Alberta, PhD Minnesota, LLD (HC) Calgary,
FRSC, OC -Professor (
Bruce M. Luzzi BS
Illinois, MS, PhD Georgia -Assistant Professor (
Bryan D. McKersie BSc, PhD Waterloo -Professor
Robert J. McLaughlin BSc (Agr), PhD Guelph -Professor
Thomas E.
Michaels AB Wittenberg, MS, PhD Wisconsin -Professor
K. Peter Pauls BSc, MSc, PhD Waterloo -Professor
Clarence J. Swanton BSc Toronto, MSc Guelph, PhD Western Ontario -Professor
François Tardif BSc, MSc, PhD Laval -Assistant Professor
Matthijs Tollenaar IR. Wageningen, PhD Guelph -Professor
Tony J. Vyn BSc (Agr), MSc, PhD Guelph -Associate Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Gary R. Ablett BSc Waterloo, MSc, PhD Guelph -Ridgetown College of
Agricultural Technology
David Charne BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph -Pioneer Hi-Bred
Lianne M.
Dwyer BSc, MSc, PhD Carleton -Agriculture Canada -Adjunct Professor
Alan Hamil BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Michigan State -Agriculture Canada,
Lyndon W. Kannenberg BS, MS Michigan State, PhD California -Retired
Desmond E. McCullough BAg Ireland, MSc Reading, MSc PhD Guelph -Financial
Planning Group
Michael J. Morrison BSc MacDonald College (McGill), MSc Saskatchewan, PhD
Manitoba -Agriculture Canada
Stephen D. Murphy BSc, PhD Queen's -University of Waterloo -Assistant
John Paroschy BSc Waterloo, MSc, PhD Guelph -Research Scientist, Chateau des
Vaino W. Poysa BA St. Lawrence (New York), BSc, PhD Guelph -Agriculture &
Agri-Food Canada, Harrow
Neal C. Stoskopf BSA, MSA Guelph, PhD McGill -Retired
Jack W.
Tanner BSA, MSA Toronto, PhD Iowa State -Professor Emeritus
Voldeng BSA, MSc Saskatchewan, DPhil Oxford -Agriculture Canada
Special Graduate Faculty
Basdeo Bhagwat BSc, PhD West Indies (St. Augustine) -Post-Doctoral
Laima S. Kott BA Wilfrid Laurier, MSc, PhD Guelph -Research Scientist
Arthur W. Schaafsma BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph -Research Scientist, Ridgetown
College of Agricultural Technology
Duska Stojsin BSc, MSc Yugoslavia, PhD Guelph -Research Associate
Richard Upfold BSc (Agr), MSc Guelph -Associate Professor
The graduate program of the Department of Crop Science is
designed, at the PhD level, to develop independent research scientists and, at the MSc level, to
provide training in scientific methodology and in the interpretation of experimental results. The
program emphasizes the breeding, genetics, physiology, ecology and production of field crops,
including cereals, corn, forages, oilseeds and pulses. Research foci include: improvement of
methodologies in plant breeding; applications of plant biotechnology, cytogenetics and molecular
genetics to crop improvement; development of sustainable crop production and weed-control
systems; and development of decision-support systems that take account of interactions between
agricultural practices and the environment. Thus, the spectrum of graduate research ranges from
basic physiological and genetic processes to research with immediate practical implications.
Students conducting basic research studies need not have training in the agricultural sciences but
must have a strong background in the biological sciences. However, students doing research
directly related to agriculture must have a more formal background in the agricultural sciences.
Regardless, all students are expected to have a general knowledge of the various facets of
research conducted in the department. This is achieved formally through Current Research
Problems and Field Techniques, 2906300; Seminar, 2906400; and a department seminar in
which students present their completed thesis research. Informally, the department actively
encourages academic interaction among all its members.

MSc students will conduct basic and/or applied research in the two fields
of the program: crop genetics, and crop physiology and production. The choice of specializations
within the two fields includes: crop breeding, crop biotechnology, crop cytogenetics, plant
genetics (interdepartmental program), crop physiology, crop production and agricultural
ecosystems, and plant physiology.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must have an honours degree in plant biology with at least a
‘B' average during the final two years of full-time study (or equivalent). The University of
Guelph requires that applicants from some foreign institutions have a master's (or equivalent)
degree before they are considered for admission to the Guelph master's program.
Degree Requirements
Required courses are 2906400 and 2906300. Satisfactory completion of a program requires
that the student demonstrate competence in statistics. Students in the MSc program who have no
previous research training are encouraged to take 5206900 in the Department of Land Resource
Science. MSc students in the crop breeding specialization must complete the following courses
(or their equivalents): 1) 2906100 and 2906150; 2) one of 2906120, 2906130, or 2906180; and 3)
one of 2906010, 2906050, 2906160, 2906170 or 2906260. Students in crop production and
agricultural ecosystems must complete the following courses (or their equivalents): 1) 2906010;
2) 2906230 or 2906240, and 3) one of 3404000, 3406080, 3406180, 5206300, 5206000,
8704090, or 8304600. (In some cases, course requirement 3) may be substituted for one or more
courses recommended by the student's advisory committee, in consultation with the graduate
co-ordinator.) All students present a departmental seminar on their completed thesis

The Department of Crop Science offers a PhD program in the fields of crop genetics, and crop
physiology and production. The areas of specialization are the same as indicated for the MSc
Admission Requirements
Applicants must have an honours degree in plant biology with at least a
‘B' average during the final two years of full-time study (or equivalent). Most students will have
completed a master's degree before entering the PhD program and are expected to have at least a
‘B' average in a field appropriate to their proposed area of specialization. The combined
duration of the BSc and master's program is expected to total five full academic years or more. In
some instances (see MSc admission requirements), applicants who already hold an MSc will be
required to initially register in the MSc program.
Transfer from the MSc program to the PhD program. Students enrolled in the MSc
program who demonstrate exceptional research and academic capabilities may request to be
transferred to the PhD program. The request for transfer must be initiated by the student and
must be done no sooner than the end of the second semester and no later than the end of the
fourth semester.
Direct admission to the PhD program following a BSc program. A BSc student who has
demonstrated extraordinary research and academic capabilities may be admitted directly to the
PhD program. This is a rare occurrence. Admission will be provisional. The decision to change a
student's category from provisional to regular status must be made by the end of the second
semester and will be based on an evaluation interview during the first semester, academic
performance in the first two semesters, and the thesis research proposal, which will be presented
as a departmental seminar, 2906400. In the event that regular status is not granted, the student,
with permission of the advisory committee, may apply to transfer to a master's program.
Provisional admission. In cases where the department is uncertain of the qualifications of
the applicant for the PhD program, admission will be provisional. Students given provisional
admission are especially encouraged to start their program in the spring semester. The decision to
change a student's category from provisional to regular status must be made by the end of the
second semester and will be based on an evaluation interview during the first semester, academic
performance in the first two semesters and the thesis research proposal which will be presented
as a departmental seminar (2906400). In the event regular status is not granted, the student will
be required to withdraw or, with permission of the advisory committee, he/she may choose to
apply to transfer to a master's program.
Degree Requirements
Students must submit a research proposal, which includes a qualifying
literature review, to their advisory committee, and present a seminar on the proposal in 2906400
no later than their third semester. Unless taken previously, 2906300 is required. Satisfactory
completion of the program requires that the student demonstrate competence in statistics. The
PhD qualifying examination must be taken no later than the fifth semester except for students
who have transferred from the MSc program or have been admitted directly to the PhD program
with only a BSc. In these instances, the PhD qualifying examination may be as late as the
seventh semester. Depending on the area of specialization, PhD students must register for one or
two colloquia. In the crop breeding specialization, credits must be earned or on record for the
following courses (or their equivalents): 1) 2906100 and 2906150; 2) two of 2906120, 2906130,
or 2906180; 3) two of 2906010, 2906050, 2906160, or 2906170; and 4) 2906250. In the crop
production and agricultural ecosystems specialization, PhD students must have completed the
following courses (or their equivalents): 1) 2906010; 2) two colloquia (2906230 and/or
2906240); 3) two of 3404000, 3406080, 3406180, 5206300, 5206000, 8704090 or 8304600. All
students present a departmental seminar on their completed thesis research.

Biophysics MSc/PhD Program
The Department of Crop Science participates in the MSc/PhD programs in
biophysics. Professors McKersie and Pauls are members of the Biophysics Interdepartmental
Group (BIG). These faculty members' research and teaching expertise includes aspects of
biophysics; they may serve as advisers for MSc and PhD students in biophysics. Please consult
the biophysics listing for a detailed description of the graduate programs offered by the
Biophysics Interdepartmental Group.
Plant Genetics MSc/PhD Collaborative Program
The Department of Crop Science participates in the MSc/PhD program in
plant genetics. Professors Bowley, Erickson, Luzzi, Kasha and Pauls are members of the Plant
Genetics Interdepartmental Group. These faculty members' research and teaching expertise
includes aspects of plant genetics; they may serve as advisers for MSc and PhD students. Please
consult the Plant Genetics listing for a detailed description of the MSc/PhD collaborative

- Crop Genetics
- 2906050 Cytogenetics in Plant Breeding (0.5) F
- Principles of
cytogenetics are discussed in relation to their application to plant breeding; chromosome
structure and aberrations; aneuploidy; haploidy, polyploidy and interspecific hybridization. This
course consists of weekly lectures and discussion sessions.
- 2906060
Cytogenetics in Plant Breeding Laboratory (0.25) F
- This is an optional
laboratory course to accompany 2906050.
- 2906100 Advanced Crop
Breeding (0.25) F
- The practical application of genetic theory and biological limitations to improving
plant populations as germplasm and for cultivar development will be presented and discussed.
Sources of variation, selection methods, genotype evaluation and cultivar multiplication will be
addressed in lectures and discussions.
- 2906120 Protein and Oilseed Crop Breeding (0.25) F
- This
course will address both theoretical and practical aspects of protein and oilseed crop breeding.
Current and emerging breeding methodologies to achieve major agronomic and compositional
goals will be examined from the perspective of theoretical, technical and financial
- 2906130 Corn Breeding (0.25) W
- Principles of corn breeding with emphasis on germplasm enhancement and methods of
improving breeding populations as sources of inbred lines for hybrid programs and for direct use
as improved varieties.
- 2906150 Plant Breeding -The Profession (0.25) W
- The course
will address professional aspects of plant breeding including: legal/regulatory issues, ethical
issues related to germplasm, and rights and responsibilities related to intellectual property under
UPOV and World Patent Organization conventions.
- 2906160 Quantitative
Genetic Variation in Crop Populations (0.25) F
- Fundamentals of quantitative genetics. Topics will include gene and genotype
frequencies, forces affecting equilibrium, small population size, inbreeding, means, variances,
covariances and resemblance among relatives. Lecture topics will be expanded through
discussion of classic and current papers.
- 2906170 Metric Traits in Plant Breeding (0.25) W
- The
application of statistical methods in plant breeding. Topics will include prediction errors,
selection indices, stability analyses, error control, and use of molecular markers to study
quantitative traits. The course will involve discussion of relevant papers and hands-on
manipulation of typical datasets from plant-breeding programs.
- 2906180
Application of Plant Breeding Principles (0.5) S
- The application of
genetic principles and plant-breeding methods to cultivar and germplasm development in field
crops will be presented through lectures, discussions and site visits. The course will encompass
the breeding process from parental selection and recombination through to commercialization of
- 2906250 Colloquium in Genetics, Cytogenetics, and Plant
Breeding (0.25) F and W
- 2906260 Advanced Crop Genetics (0.5) W
- A lecture and discussion course on some of the recent advances in genetics as they
pertain to crop improvement. Topics will include: the molecular basis of selected agronomic
traits, molecular marker assisted selection, isolation of plant genes and plant transformation
- Crop Physiology and
- 2906010 Physiology of Crop Yield (0.5) W
- Physiological and
environmental principles as they relate to the growth of crop plants and communities. Plant and
environmental characteristics determining transpiration, photosynthesis, leaf growth and
reproductive growth and development. Simulation of plant growth.
- 2906230 Colloquium in Crop Physiology and Management (0.25) F and
- An open discussion and/or workshop course designed to review and critically analyze
contemporary issues in crop physiology and management. The fall course is generally devoted to
computer simulation of crop growth and development.
- 2906240 Colloquium
on Weed Management in Agrosystems (0.25) W
- An open discussion course designed to review and critically analyze contemporary
issues in plant ecology and their relevance to practical weed management systems.
- Other
- 2906300 Current Research Problems and Field Techniques (0.0) S
A discussion of research problems under investigation and of techniques being used in
- 2906400 Seminar (0.0) F and W
- PhD students will present a seminar based on their research proposal no later than their
third semester. MSc seminars will focus on topics unrelated to their research.
- 2906660 Teaching Practicum in Crop Science (0.5)
- Students
will receive formal instruction in teaching principles and methods, and will apply what they have
learned in supervised diploma, undergraduate and graduate instruction in Crop Science.
Completion of all course requirements will generally require several semesters, with course
registration to take place in the semester in which all requirements are to be completed.