Appendix A - Courses
Animal Science
ANSC*6030 Modelling Metabolic Processes F [0.50]
Building and testing of mathematical models of metabolic processes using continuous simulation software to assist in weekly assignments. Choice of model based on students' research interests (e.g. protein synthesis, nutrient uptake, rumen fermentation). Term project to reproduce model from scientific knowledge. |
ANSC*6100 Special Project F,W,S [0.50]
Supervised program of study in some aspect of animal and poultry science that can involve an experimental project and/or detailed analysis of the literature. |
ANSC*6250 Growth and Metabolism W [0.50]
Animal growth and metabolism are considered at the cellular level in a manner that extends beyond the basic disciplines of biometrics and biochemistry with attention focused on the main carcass components — muscle, fat and bone. |
ANSC*6380 Estimation of Genetic Parameters W [0.50]
The course covers Bayesian approaches to analysis of data; categorical data analysis; accounting for selection bias; major gene analyses; models for handling marker genes; and recent developments in statistical methodology related to animal breeding applications. |
ANSC*6460 Lactation Biology F [0.50]
An in-depth systems analysis of lactation,comparing the cow, pig, rat, human and seal. Mammary development from conception through to lactogenesis, lactation and involution will be covered. Hypotheses of regulation of the biochemical pathways of milk synthesis will be tested in relation to experimental observations. |
ANSC*6600 Seminar F,W [0.00]
This course is required for successful completion of MSc and PhD programs. The major findings of the thesis or major paper are presented to the department. |