Appendix A - Courses
Environmental Biology
ENVB*6040 Molecular Basis of Plant-Microbe Interactions F [0.50] | |
A lecture and seminar course on recent advances in the study of plant-microbe interactions. Topics included are the biochemical, physiological and genetic aspects of plant defenses and the interaction of plants with pathogenic and mutualistic bacteria, fungi and viruses. Offered in conjunction with PBIO*4000. Extra work is required of graduate students. | |
Restriction(s): | Credit may be obtained for only one of ENVB*6040 or PBIO*4000 |
ENVB*6060 Topics in Phytopathology W [0.50] |
Current topics and emerging issues in phytopathology and plant health will be examined through presentations, discussions and group projects. Emphasis will be placed on ecology, population biology and genetics of plant pathogens and other microorganisms, and their application to current practices in plant health. |
ENVB*6180 Physiology and Biochemistry of Herbicides W [0.50] |
Chemical and biological fate of herbicides in soil. Physical, morphological and physiological factors influencing herbicidal selectivity and modes of action. (Offered in alternate years.) |
ENVB*6190 Environmental Microbial Technology W [0.50] | |
Current topics in selected areas of environmental microbial technology. An emphasis will be placed on the physiology and genetics of microorganisms useful in environmental biotechnology. The course involves extensive use of current journal articles. (Offered in alternate odd years.) | |
Restriction(s): | Undergraduate degree in microbiology or related discipline. |
ENVB*6340 Colloquium in Insect Systematics W [0.25] |
Weekly discussions and seminars dealing with current topics in systematic entomology. |
ENVB*6370 Physiology of Insects F [0.50] |
Students will be assigned a library exercise and will select a laboratory project in their own area of interest. Emphasis will be placed on techniques and familiarity with current literature. |
ENVB*6451 Topics in Environmental Biology F,W,S [0.25] |
This course provides graduate students, either individually or in groups, with the opportunity to pursue topics in the major areas of departmental specialization such as plant protection, entomology, and environmental management. This course may be offered in any of lecture, reading/seminar, or individual project formats. |
ENVB*6520 Pollination Biology F [0.50] |
Pollination biology is discussed from both entomological and botanical viewpoints, stressing fundamental and applied aspects. (Offered in the fall semester or by arrangement with the professor.) |
ENVB*6530 Toxicological Risk Characterization W [0.50] | |
A biologically based advanced course that will give students working knowledge of current procedures and techniques for toxicological risk characterization. The course material will cover the topics: problem definition, concentration-response characterization, exposure characterization, and risk assessment and risk-management decision making. Department of Environmental Biology | |
Restriction(s): | Credit may be obtained for only one of TOX*6530, ENVB*6530, ENVB*4550 and TOX*4550 |
ENVB*6540 Integrated Pest Management - Insects W [0.50] | |
Concepts associated with integrated pest management of insect pests of various plant hosts will be introduced to students in an interactive lecture and laboratory format. Experiential learning and skill development, associated with economic entomology, will also be emphasized. | |
Restriction(s): | Credit may be obtained for only one of ENVB*6540 and ENVB*4100 |
ENVB*6550 Bioactivity and Metabolism of Pesticides W [0.50] |
The basis of pesticide bioactivity will be examined, with emphasis on mode of action, structure-activity relationships and analytical methods. Students will participate in seminars and prepare a research paper and/or conduct a laboratory research project in consultation with the instructor(s). Students in this course are expected to attend the lectures for ENVB*4240. |
ENVB*6560 Forest Ecosystem Dynamics F [0.50] |
An exploration of energy flow and distribution in forest ecosystems. Both components will be examined in the context of biomass and productivity, perturbations and resilience. Some aspects of modelling will be covered. |
ENVB*6620 Management and Biology of the Honey Bee F [0.50] |
An in-depth treatment of advanced topics related to honey bees, including management techniques such as wintering bees, queen rearing and instrumental insemination, comb-honey production, genetics and breeding of honey bees, caste determination, and social behaviour of honey bees. Discussion sections will focus on recent research. |
ENVB*6710 Seminar F-W [0.25] |
This course provides information and training in scientific presentations. Students will prepare a written essay based on their research and make an oral presentation of their proposed studies. Students are expected to take this course in the second or third semester of their study. |