Appendix A - Courses

Environmental Sciences

ENVS*6000 Physical Environment of Crops and Forests F [0.50]
Recent literature on temperature, humidity, radiation, wind, gases and particles in crop and forest environments; evapotranspiration and photosynthesis of plant communities; modification of microclimates; applied micrometeorology.
Offering(s): Offered in even-numbered years.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6040 Molecular Basis of Plant-Microbe Interactions F [0.50]
A lecture and seminar course on recent advances in the study of plant-microbe interactions. Topics included are the biochemical, physiological and genetic aspects of plant defenses and the interaction of plants with pathogenic and mutualistic bacteria, fungi and viruses. Offered in conjunction with PBIO*4000. Extra work is required of graduate students.
Restriction(s): Credit may be obtained for only one of ENVS*6040 or PBIO*4000.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6050 Micrometeorology W [0.50]
Exchanges of mass, momentum and energy between the surface and the atmosphere will be studied in the context of larger-scale meteorology. Diffusion and turbulence in and above plant canopies will be examined from theoretical and practical perspectives. Topics include time-series analysis, micrometeorological measurement theory, and basic principles of atmospheric science.
Offering(s): Offered in even-numbered years.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6060 Meteorological Instrumentation W [0.50]
Theoretical and practical aspects of electronic circuits, sensors, and equipment used in meteorological research.
Prerequisite(s): ENVS*4120 or equivalent
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6190 Environmental Microbial Technology U [0.50]
Current topics in selected areas of environmental microbial technology. An emphasis will be placed on the physiology and genetics of microorganisms useful in environmental biotechnology. The course involves extensive use of current journal articles.
Restriction(s): Undergraduate degree in microbiology or related discipline.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6241 Special Topics in Atmospheric Science F,U [0.25]
The content is determined by the interests of the students and the availability of instructors. Topics may include aspects of statistics for climatology, animal biometeorology, air pollution meteorology, and hydrometeorology.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6242 Special Topics in Atmospheric Science F,W,S [0.50]
Students will explore topics within atmospheric science such as climatology, animal biometeorology, air pollution meteorology, and hydrometeorology. Normally, an independent course of study will be developed with a faculty advisor and one or more students in the semester prior to enrollment. Occasionally, the course will be offered as a lecture/seminar in a particular area, to be advertised in the semester prior to offering. Typically, students will produce a major paper or scientific report.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6250 Soil Genesis and Classification F [0.50]
A discussion of world soil regions for students not specializing in soil genesis.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6280 Soil Physics W [0.50]
The soil as a physical system with special regard to soil water movement and the diffusion and dispersion of chemical substances. Numerical techniques and computer solutions will be developed.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6340 Colloquium in Insect Systematics W [0.25]
Weekly discussions and seminars dealing with current topics in systematic entomology.
Offering(s): Offered in odd-numbered years.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6350 Soil Organic Matter and Biochemistry F [0.50]
(1) Soil organic matter characterization, (2) dynamics of soil organic matter, (0.5) nutrient cycling.
Offering(s): Offered in odd-numbered years.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6360 Soil and Water Chemistry F [0.50]
Thermodynamics of soil solutions; solution-solid phase equilibria; reaction kinetics; computer modelling of solute-mineral interactions.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6380 Advanced Soil Chemistry W [0.50]
The mathematical development of solute speciation models for aqueous solutions, surface complexation models for inorganic soil constituents and discrete and continuous functional group models for humic materials.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6400 Soil Nitrogen Fertility and Crop Production W [0.50]
Emphasis will be placed on soil N transformations and processes, and N sources for crops; field experimentation methods; environmental issues.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6440 Field Sampling Strategies and Geostatistics W [0.50]
Concepts and practical aspects of collecting, synthesizing and interpreting data from spatially and temporally variable and/or correlated fields. Hands-on experience in describing spatial structure of large data sets (supplied by student or instructor) using available software.
Offering(s): Offered in even-numbered years.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6451 Special Topics in Environmental Biology F,W,S [0.25]
This course provides graduate students, either individually or in groups, with the opportunity to pursue topics in the major areas of departmental specialization such as plant protection, entomology, and environmental management. This course may be offered in any of lecture, reading/seminar, or individual project formats.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6452 Special Topics in Ecosystem Science and Biodiversity F,W,S [0.50]
Students will explore topics within ecosystem science such as terrestrial ecology, forest science, aquatic systems and environmental biology. Normally, an independent course of study will be developed with a faculty advisor and one or more students in the semester prior to enrollment. Occasionally, the course will be offered as a lecture/seminar in a particular area, to be advertised in the semester prior to offering. Typically, students will produce a major paper or scientific report.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6500 Environmental Sciences Research Project U [1.00]
A concise, critical review of an area of study related to the field chosen by the student including analyses and interpretation of relevant data. The project will be written in the form of a scientific paper and presented to the department as a seminar.
Restriction(s): Available only to students registered in the Environmental Sciences: MES program.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6501 Advanced Topics in Environmental Science F [0.50]
Using a case-study approach with material drawn from current and historical issues, students will develop an advanced understanding of current issues in the environmental sciences, including the underlying science basis, how the issues were managed, and the effectiveness of associated policies.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required. Preference will be given to students in the MES program.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6502 Seminar in Environmental Sciences W [0.50]
This course will provide an interactive and critical forum for students to participate in an advanced discussion and debate on current environmental issues, and to learn about the practical skill set(s) required by various employment sectors in solving these issues.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required. Preference will be given to students in the MES program.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6503 Biogeochemistry of Wetlands S [0.50]
Wetlands have been called Nature’s kidneys, and are a vital part of Ontario’s environmental and economic sustainability. Wetland soil and water are critical substrates for maintaining healthy ecosystems and controlling contaminant flowers. In this course, you will learn sampling and analysis techniques for conducting surveys and assessments of these crucial ecosystems. Basic chemistry (1st year university) is used as the foundation for exploring important biogeochemical cycles of major and trace elements. The course includes multiple field trips to wetlands in southern Ontario.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6504 Classification and Assessment of Aquatic Systems S [0.50]
A two-week course covering concepts and techniques related to the physiographical, hydrological, and biological characterization of freshwater aquatic systems. The course will involve periodic excursions to regional water bodies in southern Ontario for the purpose of demonstrating sampling techniques and conducting biological assessments.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6505 Soil Survey and Interpretation S [0.50]
A two-week course covering concepts and techniques related to the characterization of soil in the landscape. Focus will be given to soilscapes encountered in southern Ontario, and involves a multi-day excursion to examine the distribution of soils in this region.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6506 Forest Ecosystem Patterns and Processes S [0.50]
A two-week course covering concepts and techniques related to the ecological characterization of forests. Focus will be on southern and mid-central Ontario forests and will involve periodic excursions to various locations for the purpose of demonstrating theoretical principles, sampling techniques, in-field measurements, and collecting samples for in-lab assessment and metric determination.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6520 Pollination Biology F [0.50]
Pollination biology is discussed from both entomological and botanical viewpoints, stressing fundamental and applied aspects. (Offered in the Fall semester or by arrangement with the professor).
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6540 Integrated Pest Management - Insects W [0.50]
Concepts associated with integrated pest management of insect pests of various plant hosts will be introduced to students in an interactive lecture and laboratory format. Experiential learning and skill development, associated with economic entomology, will also be emphasized.
Offering(s): Offered in even-numbered years.
Restriction(s): Credit may be obtained for only one of ENVS*6540
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6550 Bioactivity and Metabolism of Pesticides W [0.50]
The basis of pesticide bioactivity will be examined, with emphasis on mode of action, structure-activity relationships and analytical methods. Students will participate in seminars and prepare a research paper and/or conduct a laboratory research project in consultation with the instructor(s). Students in this course are expected to attend the lectures for ENVS*4240.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6560 Forest Ecosystem Dynamics F [0.50]
An exploration of energy flow and distribution in forest ecosystems. Both components will be examined in the context of biomass and productivity, perturbations and resilience. Some aspects of modelling will be covered. (Offered in odd-numbered years)
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6581 Special Topics in Soil Science U [0.25]
Students will discuss issues that are relevant to the current research of faculty or visiting faculty. Generally presented as a combination of lectures, student seminars and written projects.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6582 Special Topics in Soil Science F,W,S [0.50]
Students will explore topics within soil science such as soil physics, pedology, soil chemistry and microbiology. Normally, an independent course of study will be developed with a faculty advisor and one or more students in the semester prior to enrollment. Occasionally, the course will be offered as a lecture/seminar in a particular area, to be advertised in the semester prior to offering. Typically, students will produce a major paper or scientific report.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6700 Glacial Sedimentary Environments U [0.50]
Students will learn about the processes and deposits of glacial environments as well as the use of sedimentary records to reconstruct past glacial environments. Case studies from modern to ancient glacial sedimentary environments will be used. Field trip included. (Offered only as needed)
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6710 Advanced Sedimentology U [0.50]
Topics covered through case studies of sedimentary deposits and environments include facies analysis, large scale controls, and novel techniques in sedimentology. Topics may also include specific sedimentary environments or specific sedimentary deposits such as turbidites, cross-bedded strata or seismites depending on student interest. (Offered only as needed)
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6730 Special Topics in Environmental Earth Science F,W,S [0.50]
Students will explore topics within environmental earth science such as glacial geology, environmental geophysics and hydrogeology. Normally, an independent course of study will be developed with a faculty advisor and one or more students in the semester prior to enrollment. Occasionally, the course will be offered as a lecture/seminar in a particular area, to be advertised in the semester prior to offering. Typically, students will produce a major paper or scientific report.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6881 Special Topics in Land Resources Management U [0.25]
Students will discuss issues that are relevant to the current research of faculty or visiting faculty. Generally presented as a combination of lectures, student seminars and written projects.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6882 Special Topics in Plant and Environmental Health F,W,S [0.50]
Students will explore topics within plant and environmental health such as integrated pest management, apiculture and environmental microbiology. Normally, an independent course of study will be developed with a faculty advisor and one or more students in the semester prior to enrollment. Occasionally, the course will be offered as a lecture/seminar in a particular area, to be advertised in the semester prior to offering. Typically, students will produce a major paper or scientific report.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
ENVS*6900 Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences F-W [0.50]
This course provides information and training in scientific presentations. Students will prepare a written essay based on their research and make an oral presentation of the proposed studies. Students are expected to take this course in their second or third semester of study.
Department(s): School of Environmental Sciences
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1