IX. Graduate Programs
MA Program
The MA program permits students to become actively involved in research, teaching and professional practice. The objective of the program is to offer opportunities for advanced studies and research in Sociology and is offered in the following fields: 1) global agro-food systems, communities and rural change; 2) work, gender and change in a global context; and 3) criminology and criminal justice.
Application Procedure
Graduate students are admitted each Fall semester (approximately 10 - 15 students). Students are admitted into the program in the Fall semester only. The program is offered on a full-time basis only. The on-line application and application information can be found at http://www.uoguelph.ca/graduatestudies/apply Program offices should be consulted for admission deadlines.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must possess an Honours BA (4 years) degree or its equivalent with at least a B+ average in the final two years of undergraduate studies. Students who do not meet departmental requirements, e.g., students whose undergraduate degree does not include basic courses in Sociology, may be admitted provisionally and required to complete appropriate make-up courses from offerings in the undergraduate program.
Degree Requirements
Students begin their studies in the Fall semester. When you arrive, the graduate coordinator will inform you as to which faculty members, on the basis of their areas of specialization, are likely candidates for membership on your advisory committee. Until you have formed your advisory committee, the graduate coordinator will fill out your evaluation reports.
MA by Course-work
Students must complete a minimum of 4.0 credits (including 1.0 credit in SOC*6660) and write a major paper. All students are required to master basic theory and methodological skills. This is fulfilled through the successful completion of the courses SOC*6140 and SOC*6070 in the Fall semester and SOC*6130 in the Winter semester.
All students are required to pass SOC*6700, Pro-Seminar. This is a two semester course (Fall and Winter) and is graded as SAT/UNSAT. This course is intended to introduce students to the department, the university, and the profession of Sociology.
MA by Thesis
Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 credits and write a thesis. All students are required to master basic theory and methodological skills. This is fulfilled through the successful completion of the courses SOC*6140 and SOC*6070 in the Fall semester and SOC*6130 in the Winter semester.
All students are required to pass SOC*6700, Pro-Seminar. This is a two semester course (Fall and Winter) and is graded as SAT/UNSAT. This course is intended to introduce students to the department, the university, and the profession of Sociology.