IX. Graduate Programs
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology offers programs of study leading to the degrees of MA and PhD in the following fields:
Global Agro-Food Systems, Communities and Rural Change (MA, PhD) This field reflects recent sociological interests in food studies and global agro-food systems, resources and the environment, community sustainability, rural-urban linkages, the transnationalization of labour regimes and social movements in the rural context. Students specializing in this field will be encouraged to take a comparative and historical approach, focusing on cross-national and inter-regional studies where possible, and to examine how class, gender, race and ethnicity play out in each particular substantive topic comprising the rural field.
Work, Gender and Change in a Global Context (MA, PhD) This field reflects recent sociological interests in changing patterns of work and employment in comparative contexts, labour regimes, industrial and organizational change, organizations and protest, education for work and the regulation of work. These trends are located in the broader processes of globalization, economic restructuring and fundamental shifts in public policy. Students specializing in this field will be encouraged to focus on the dialectical relationship between the configurations of gender, class, race and ethnicity, and the transformation of work.
Criminology and Criminal Justice (MA) This field covers sociology of policing, corrections and penology, violent crime, sociology of law, governance and control, crime prevention, risk, criminological theory, critical criminology, street youth, young offenders, gender and offending, and criminal justice theory.
Sociological Criminology (PhD) The field reflects recent sociological interests in homelessness and marginalized peoples, violence against women, homicide, wrongful convictions, crime prevention through environmental design, policing, harm reduction and substance use/abuse, violent offending and victimization, and young offenders.
See the Department website at http://www.sociology.uoguelph.ca/ for additional information.