XI. Course Descriptions
Early Childhood Studies
ECS*1000 Creating Nurturing and Safe Environments for Young Children F (3-0) [0.50] | |
Introducing the student to the importance of early childhood services on healthy development and learning for children. Consideration is given to the philosophical tenets, curriculum models, legal requirements, and research indicators that reflect high quality care and service. The concern in society for increasing the standards for early childhood services and developing innovative training profiles for a skilled workforce is gaining public recognition. This course provides an overview of occupational standards and personal career potential and opportunity. | |
Restriction(s): | Registration in Early Childhood major or Instructor Consent. |
ECS*1010 Infant Development F,W (3-0) [0.50] |
Examines physical, neurological, motor, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development of young children from the prenatal period to early childhood (approximately ages 0-2). Emphasis is placed on integrating developmental theories relevant to infancy and toddlerhood with contemporary research findings for practical application purposes. Students achieve a knowledge base from which they can thoughtfully evaluate and respond to common issues and questions that face practitioners and researchers as they attempt to understand and describe infant development. |
ECS*1020 Child and Family Nutrition W (3-0) [0.50] |
Designed to provide a basic introduction to human nutrition with a particular emphasis on childhood nutrition in the context of the family. The course provides students with a framework for evaluating nutritional needs and food intake in this group of individuals. Also examining current issues related to nutrition and food intake in children and their significance in family and community health. Students achieve a knowledge base from which they can identify and respond to nutrition problems in order to support healthy child development. |
ECS*1030 Field Placement I W (3-8) [0.50] | |
Students are introduced to the range of community services and career opportunities related to early childhood services. Through seminar discussions, tours to community agencies, and job shadowing in the workplace, students develop an understanding of the regulations and mandates of various programs in early childhood services and the components of quality programming associated with each. In addition, students examine standards for health and safety and for the reporting of child abuse. A pass/fail grade will be assigned upon completion of the course. | |
Prerequisite(s): | ECS*1000 |
Restriction(s): | Registration in the Early Childhood major. |
ECS*2000 Parent-Child Relations F (3-0) [0.50] | |
This interdisciplinary course is designed to examine parent-child relationships in the context of several theoretical and applied social science perspectives onto the multitude of socio-cultural circumstances and factors in today's North-American/Canadian families. Introducing first year students to the possibilities of viewing parent-child relationships from multiple standpoints in a critical manner. Beyond this, students have the opportunity to examine and explore their own values, opinions and experiences in the context of parent-child relationships. | |
Prerequisite(s): | AHSS*2040, ECS*1010 |
ECS*2010 Observing and Recording Children’s Behaviour F (3-0) [0.50] | |
This course examines the philosophy behind the systematic use of observational methods and identifies the reasons for observing children and recording that information for future use. A variety of basic observational techniques used in the field of early childhood will be discussed, explored and evaluated. Observations will provide opportunities for practical application. | |
Prerequisite(s): | AHSS*2040, ECS*1010, ECS*1030 |
ECS*2020 Play and Programming for Early Childhood F (2-1) [0.50] | |
This course will focus on the value of play and its roles in the life of a young child. Play is central for the development of young children. It is through play that children consolidate their knowledge, learn social skills, express their emotions, and most of all have fun. Play allows for creativity and fantasy. Students evaluate play materials then design and implement materials they have created. These play materials must meet the developmental needs of the children. Students study the value of play and the need to advocate for play-based programmes for young children. | |
Prerequisite(s): | AHSS*2040 |
Co-requisite(s): | ECS*2040 |
Restriction(s): | Registration in the Bachelor of Applied Science - Early Childhood program. |
ECS*2030 Development in Adolescence W (3-0) [0.50] | |
This course examines the biological, psychological and social changes associated with the adolescent stage of human development. Current research findings are presented to illustrate key developmental issues and to locate adolescent development historically as well as socially. Physical, cognitive, emotional and sexual development is explored within the context of family, peer and school relationships. Particular attention is paid to the application of theories and concepts to the lived experiences of adolescents. | |
Prerequisite(s): | AHSS*2040 |
ECS*2040 Field Placement II W (2-8) [0.50] | |
This course introduces students to pre-school children in a variety of early childhood settings where students will participate in all assigned activities. Through discussion in seminars, reflection in a journal and the creation of a portfolio, students gain insight into various dimensions of teaching and learning for self-improvement and growth. A pass/fail grade will be assigned upon completion of the course. | |
Prerequisite(s): | AHSS*2040, ECS*1030, ECS*2050 |
Restriction(s): | Registration in the Bachelor of Applied Science - Early Childhood program. |
ECS*2050 Curriculum Development I F (3-0) [0.50] | |
This course focuses on the development of curriculum for children two to six years of age in an early childhood setting. The course is designed to help the student plan and implement appropriate stimulating activities. A wide variety of creative materials and resources are explored. | |
Prerequisite(s): | ECS*1000, ECS*1030 |
Co-requisite(s): | AHSS*2040 |
Restriction(s): | Registration in the Bachelor of Applied Science - Early Childhood program. |
ECS*3000 Curriculum Development II F (2-1) [0.50] | |
This course explores infant-toddler and school-age environments. Students examine a philosophy of care to support the needs and developing skills of these age groups and the implications for curriculum design and implementation. | |
Prerequisite(s): | AHSS*2040, ECS*1000, ECS*1010, ECS*2050 |
Co-requisite(s): | ECS*3030 |
ECS*3010 Children with Diverse Needs in Families F (3-0) [0.50] | |
This course provides an overview of the diversity of special needs in children and their families. Different causes, common characteristics, intervention approaches, and programming guidelines for creating a bias-free, inclusive, and family-centered learning environment will be explored. Issues for children, their families and supporting resource personnel will be highlighted. | |
Prerequisite(s): | 7.50 credits |
ECS*3020 Counselling and Communication in Family Consultation F (2-1) [0.50] | |
This course focuses on the development of interviewing and counselling skills that will enable effective communication with children and their families in a variety of professional settings in the fields of early childhood services. An examination and analysis of major theoretical approaches to working with children and their families will also be provided. This course will involve a skill lab component which requires students to practice skills demonstrated in the lectures. | |
Prerequisite(s): | AHSS*2120, ECS*2040 |
Restriction(s): | Registration in the Bachelor of Applied Science - Early Childhood program. |
ECS*3030 Field Placement III F (2-8) [0.50] | |
This course will further enhance the students’ breadth in the program and their experience in the range of early childhood services. This field placement will focus on the area of infant/toddler services. Seminars, written reflection and continued portfolio development will give students opportunity to think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. A pass/fail grade will be assigned upon completion of the course. | |
Prerequisite(s): | ECS*2040 |
Co-requisite(s): | ECS*3000 |
ECS*3040 Administration of Programs W (3-0) [0.50] | |
Using resources found on the Internet, along with assigned readings from the text and other sources and on-line conferences, students study the important roles, responsibilities, skills and techniques available to administrators of high quality child care programs. Students consider the effective planning and utilization of resources (money, human energy, physical resources) and time to provide services to children and families while meeting the needs of the community. This course will draw on students’ experiences in field placements to discuss concepts related to the operation of quality care and education programs for children up to school age. (Offered in Distance Education format only.) | |
Prerequisite(s): | 10.00 credits including ECS*3030 |
ECS*3060 Field Placement IV W (2-8) [0.50] | |
In the continuing series of placements which increase the breadth of field experiences, students will be introduced to the area of diversity, family services, community and early years centres, therapeutic settings and/or elementary education in early childhood services. Students will be expected to share their experiences in journal, portfolio and seminar format. A pass/fail grade will be assigned upon completion of the course. | |
Prerequisite(s): | ECS*3030 |
ECS*3070 Community Development in Early Childhood W (3-0) [0.50] | |
This course examines the history, theory and practice of community development and participation in the field of early childhood. Students explore their own values and beliefs in relation to collaborative capacity building by experiencing community development work at the grassroots level. | |
Prerequisite(s): | 10.00 credits including AHSS*1140 |
Co-requisite(s): | AHSS*3010 |
ECS*4000 Program Development and Evaluation F (3-0) [0.50] | |
In this course, students study the underlying principles involved in the development and evaluation of programs for young children. Students first examine the philosophical roots of early childhood program design and evaluate the relevance for current early education. Students also become familiar with some of the approaches and strategies used in program evaluation. Research on published evaluation in the field are reviewed and students plan an evaluation related to a current early education program of their choice. | |
Prerequisite(s): | 12.00 credits |
Co-requisite(s): | ECS*4011 |
Restriction(s): | Registration in the Early Childhood Studies Program |
ECS*4011 Field Placement V F-W (2-8) [0.50] |
First part of the two-semester course ECS*4011/2. Refer to ECS*4011/2 for course description. |
ECS*4011/2 Field Placement V F-W (2-8) [0.50] | |
Students will choose a placement in an area of interest in the field of Early Childhood Services. The placement will be eight hours a week over two semesters. This allows for an in-depth experience independently planning, implementing and evaluating programs for children and/or their families in collaboration with other professionals. In doing so, students will transform the course from an intellectual experience to an experience of human relationships. Students will be involved in various aspects of the placement agency to understand the role that the centre or agency fulfills in the broader community of supports. Through verbal and written reflective practice and the completion of their professional portfolios, students will consolidate and evaluate their competencies. A grade will not be assigned to ECS*4011 until the completion of ECS*4012. | |
Prerequisite(s): | 14.00 credits including ECS*3060 |
ECS*4012 Field Placement V F-W (2-8) [0.50] | |
Second part of the two-semester course ECS*4011/2. Refer to ECS*4011/2 for course description. | |
Prerequisite(s): | ECS*4011 |
ECS*4020 Child Care and Public Policy W (3-0) [0.50] | |
This course focuses on public policies that influence the nature and effectiveness of programs and services for young children and their families. Students are exposed to the range of factors that influence social policy development and the respective roles of the federal, provincial/territorial and municipal governments. The course examines the history of policies affecting early childhood education and care and related services in Canada and in Ontario and provides students with the tools to critically examine how current policies and their implementation affect children, parents, women, child care professionals, and communities. The course includes both international and inter-provincial comparisons.. Students are encouraged to consider how they can play a constructive role in policy change as professionals and as engaged citizens. | |
Prerequisite(s): | 17.00 credits including ECS*3060 |
ECS*4030 Professional Issues in EC W (3-0) [0.50] | |
This course explores current issues and trends in professional practice. Through collaborative learning students acquire skills in best practices such as effective communication and conflict resolution. The importance of advocacy and empowerment in relation to marginalization and power are investigated. Students examine their personal and professional values, supporting the process of making ethical decisions related to Early Childhood Services | |
Prerequisite(s): | 14.00 credits |
Co-requisite(s): | ECS*4012 |
ECS*4050 Assessment and Intervention with Children and Families F (2-2) [0.50] | |
This course focuses on the assessment of atypical development in children ranging in age from birth through age 6. The course builds on the student's knowledge of principles of assessment and intervention with respect to individual children, children within their families, and children within larger organizational settings. A wide variety of assessment instruments and contexts are analyzed. | |
Prerequisite(s): | 12.00credits includin SCMA*3040 |
Restriction(s): | Registration in the Early Childhood Studies Program |
ECS*4900 Independent Study in Early Childhood S,F,W (3-0) [0.50] | |
The independent study option is designed to provide senior undergraduate students with an opportunity to pursue library or field research under faculty supervision and to prepare an integrated paper or literature review. Formal agreement between the student and the faculty supervisor is required, as is approval of the program head. | |
Prerequisite(s): | 15.00 credits and 75% grade point average. |
Restriction(s): | Instructor consent required. |