XII. Course Descriptions

Natural Resource Studies

School of Environmental Sciences

NRS*2050 The Landscape of Scotland S (3-0) [0.50]
This course enables you to explore the Scottish landscape and its natural resources through a major research project, on any topic from geology, through forestry, agriculture, parks and recreation, to modern tourism. You will consider the relationship between the land itself, its history, and the use made of that land today. The course will emphasize recognizing relationships between the natural environment and human society and considering how we manage that relationship. (Offered through Distance Education only.)
NRS*2120 Introduction to Environmental Stewardship S,F (3-2) [0.50]
This course provides an introduction to the concepts of resource management, environmental planning and assessment, land stewardship and sustainable development. Case studies of specific issues such as parks and natural heritage conservation, agricultural land loss, and integrated rural resources management will provide insight on approaches to decision making. Included will be discussion of the concept of stewardship as an environmental ethics. (Also offered through Distance Education format.)
Equate(s): SOIL*2120
NRS*3000 Environmental Issues in Agriculture and Landscape Management W (3-2) [0.50]
This course provides an introduction to a range of specific environmental and resource issues in agriculture and landscape management. Issues to be covered include geological resources, climate change, nutrient management, groundwater contamination, source water protection, land use planning, and natural resources management. In each case, the policy context for the issue is presented, as well as the science needed for understanding and preparation of management decisions. This course is designed to suit students in a variety of science programs including Agriculture.
Prerequisite(s): AGR*2320 or SOIL*2010
Equate(s): SOIL*3000
Restriction(s): AGR*2301, SOIL*2200
NRS*3030 Conservation Field Course F (0-6) [0.50]
This course provides an opportunity for students to practice field skills in natural resource sciences. Topics will include forestry, ecological restoration, stream and wetland conservation, park and trail management, and nature conservation. Use of air photography and mapped data together with field guides will be emphasized. Guest professionals will assist with instruction on some topics, providing an opportunity for exposure to careers in this field. The course requires participation in a two week field experience held in early May, followed by field work during the summer, and a reflective evaluation in the Fall semester. This course must be recorded as part of your Fall course section and tuition and compulsory fees will be calculated accordingly. There is an extra fee to partially cover field costs.
Prerequisite(s): 9.00 credits of a relevant program, such as all majors in the B.Sc.(Env.), or other degree programs such as Geography, Ecology, Agriculture.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
NRS*3100 Resource Planning Techniques W (2-2) [0.50]
This is an intermediate techniques course directed at the application of a systematic approach to problem solving in natural resource management. Major topics include procedures of ecological land classification, computer-assisted resource analysis and environmental impact assessment.
Prerequisite(s): SOIL*3050
Equate(s): SOIL*3100
NRS*3300 Land Resource Stewardship S (3-0) [0.50]
This course will examine 'stewardship' programs as an approach to environmental conservation in both the agricultural and natural resource conservation sectors in Canada. It will focus on the central role of private Iandowners, with emphasis on the voluntary policy perspective of stewardship programs in comparison to regulatory perspectives. As well, it will examine the non-government organizations such as land trusts and farm organizations that often run stewardship programs. Programs addressing environmental conservation issues in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, wildlife, habitat conservation, and species at risk will he considered. (Offered through Distance Education only.)
Prerequisite(s): 1 of NRS*2120, NRS*3000, SOIL*2120, SOIL*2200, SOIL*3000
Equate(s): SOIL*3300
NRS*3600 Remote Sensing W (3-3) [0.50]
This course provides an introduction to remote sensing, as applied to the study and monitoring the biophysical environment (atmosphere, vegetation, soil, hydrology and geology). Relevant conventional photographic techniques are examined but current analog and digital imaging technologies are emphasized. Attention is given to both airborne and earth-orbiting imaging platforms. Key aspects of computerized image analysis are covered. Practical experience is gained through the interpretation of high-resolution digital imagery, using industry-standard commercial software.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits (recommend: 1 of AGR*2301, AGR*2302, AGR*2320, GEOG*2420, SOIL*2010,)
Equate(s): SOIL*3600
Restriction(s): Priority Access course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations. See School for more information.
NRS*4110 Natural Resources Management Field Camp F (0-6) [0.50]
This course investigates methods of collecting and processing land resource field data and includes practice in mapping information from air photographs and ground surveys, construction of inventory maps and integration of information. The course will consist of a one-week field camp prior to the fall semester, following which the students, working in groups, will prepare and present a comprehensive report in consultation with faculty. Students will be responsible for their living and transportation expenses for the field session, in addition to regular tuition fees. The course may be offered with different emphasis in content depending on student demand. Students are required to notify the designated departmental instructor of their intention to participate in the Field Camp during the previous Winter semester (or earlier if going on exchange programs).
Prerequisite(s): NRS*3100 or SOIL*3100
Equate(s): SOIL*4110
Restriction(s): Registration in B.Sc.Env.(NRM) and B.Sc.Agr.(AGMN).
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1
