
Screenshot of the Student Planning module, showing the two steps involved (View Your Progress and Plan your Degree & Register for Classes), the student's program, GPA and schedule.

Student Planning - New System for Course Enrolment

Course enrolment can be a stressful process for students; making sure that they are taking the right courses for their degree, that they have the pre-requisites and that the courses in their schedule do not overlap are just a few of their concerns. To help make course planning and enrolment easier, the University will be launching the Student Planning module in late May, in time for Fall 2020 course enrolment.

What are some of the features of Student Planning?

Advanced Degree Audit Functionality

Making academic procedures more straightforward for students is one of the major goals of the SIS Refresh initiative. The Exceptions and Overrides project is contributing to this goal by improving the visibility of approved course substitutions and/or exceptions to degree requirements. Examples of course substitutions/exceptions include using a generic transfer credit to fulfill a restricted elective requirement or replacing a course in the student’s Schedule of Studies that is no longer offered.

How were course substitutions and exceptions previously processed?

Improved Applicant Offer Processes

The Multiple Offers Project will be put into motion in December when the first round of fall 2020 admission applications are adjudicated, and admission offers are prepared and sent to students.

What is the Multiple Offers Project?

Creating Curriculum and Calendar Workflow Efficiencies

The project team is pleased to announce that a new Curriculum Management System is one step closer, with the RFP process nearing completion and the development of an implementation strategy in its beginning stages.

What will the new system mean for the University?

An example of the old Colleague emails in plain text and an example of the new Colleague emails, which have an image at the top, University of Guelph branding, and other improvements.

Enhanced Student and Applicant Communications

Through the collaboration of multiple departments and campuses, the Colleague Outbound Communications Project is now complete!

What is a Colleague outbound communication?

Colleague can be used to generate and send mass emails to applicants and students. Over 600 emails are currently sent through Colleague’s Communication Management System, and cover a range of areas, including application acknowledgements, admission offers, award information, course enrolment details and payment reminders.

How were Colleague emails improved?

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