Checklist for New Students & Parents from Enrolment Services

Enrolment Services is here to help students with academic policies and procedures – such as course enrolment and grades – and to provide services related to student records, including Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance letters. The timeline below will guide new students (and their parents or guardians!) through enrolment-related procedures as they prepare for and complete their first semester at U of G.

May – June

Review the Registration Guide for New Students to learn about the courses you’ll be taking in your first semester (Fall 2025). The Registration Guide also has information about academic advising and finances.

WebAdvisor, your self-service hub! Even before course selection begins, you can start exploring WebAdvisor. Click on the red “Access WebAdvisor” button and log in using the Central Login Username and Password that will be emailed to you in mid-April if you have accepted your offer. Here are a few helpful features on WebAdvisor you can start using now:

  • The Student Planning section of WebAdvisor allows you to plan your courses for your entire degree/diploma based on your program’s requirements! Take a look at the Creating a Plan video for details. Please note that “planning” a course does not mean that you will automatically be registered for the course; registration is a separate step that can only be completed during the course selection period for a semester.
  • If you would like to give someone else access to your academic record, you can submit the “Release of Academic Information” form on WebAdvisor. This would allow them to discuss your program, grades, academic standing, etc. with our office. This does not give them access to WebAdvisor. To submit the form, log into WebAdvisor, expand the menu on the left, select “Academics” and click on “Release of Academic Information.”
  • Submit the emergency contact information of someone we can notify in the event of an emergency that impacts you (e.g., a medical emergency). See the instructions for submitting emergency contact information.
  • Check that your address, phone number and external email address are up to date in the University’s system. See the instructions for updating your contact information.

Make sure to visit START UofG – your New Student website – starting June 1! It has important information about getting ready for university, dates and deadlines, summer events and opportunities to meet other new students.

Mid - June: The course schedule for the fall semester will be posted on WebAdvisor. You can see the day(s) and time(s) each course is offered and how many seats are available. This means you can start building your potential timetable!

  • Many courses will have multiple sections. What is a section exactly? If a course has a large number of students, it is not always possible for everyone to meet for a lecture or a lab all at the same time. The course would therefore be divided into smaller groups, or sections, which would be scheduled for different timeslots.

July – August

Early - July: New students can start registering for courses on the indicated date based on their program. For step-by-step instructions, visit the Registration Guide’s WebAdvisor Tutorial. You can also check out the Course Selection FAQs for tips! If you were granted transfer credits upon admission, you may be able to select courses earlier depending on the number of credits granted. Please check the course selection windows.

  • After reviewing your Program Information webpage in the Registration Guide, if you still have questions about which courses to take, contact your Program Counsellor. Their contact information is available at the bottom of the Program Information page for your degree/diploma.

Mid - July: We recommend that students register for their courses by July 12 because their desired or required course sections may be closed/full after this date.

Do you require confirmation that you are enrolled as a student for the release of educational funds (e.g., RESPs), a student line of credit, a parent’s/spouse’s health insurance plan or a parent’s/spouse’s workplace scholarship?

  • Many organizations and financial institutions will accept your semesterly statement provided on WebAdvisor as confirmation. To download the statement from WebAdvisor, go to Account View, select the semester and click on "View Statement" on the right.
  • If they require an official Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance letter, complete the Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance Order Form. There is a $15 fee for an official Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance letter. The fee will be added to your WebAdvisor student account once your letter has been processed.
  • You must be registered for courses before we can provide a Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance letter. Planning courses in Student Planning does not mean that you are registered for them.
  • The Confirmation of Enrolment/Attendance letter displays credit information for three semesters: summer, fall, and winter. Fall 2025 semester credits will NOT display in the specific semester field until you have registered for classes. You can view the Confirmation of Enrolment Options document for an idea of how the letter will look. Please wait until you have registered for classes in a given semester before requesting a letter as it will not be accepted by your financial institution if showing no enrolment.

September – October

September 4: First day of class!

September 12: This is the last day to add courses to your schedule or change sections.

October 10 (begins at end of classes this day) - October 14: Fall Study Break – no classes scheduled during this period. Classes resume on October 15.

Help the University learn more about you by completing two short surveys on WebAdvisor: the Indigenous Self-Declaration Form and the Parental Education Declaration Form. After logging in to WebAdvisor, click on the notifications at the top-right corner of your screen to open the forms.

November – December

November 26: This is the last day of classes, and it’s the last day to drop Fall 2025 courses (at 11:59 p.m.). Here are a few important notes about dropping courses:

  • You can drop a course using the Student Planning tool in WebAdvisor. For assistance with Student Planning, watch the Dropping Courses and Changing Sections video tutorial. After completing the steps to drop the course, please confirm that it was dropped successfully by returning to your timetable on WebAdvisor’s “Plan, Schedule, Register & Drop” page and checking that the status shows as “Planned” instead of “Registered.”
  • After the drop deadline, a mark will be recorded for each course, whether coursework is completed or not; a zero is assigned for missed tests/assignments. This mark will show on the student's transcript and will be calculated into their average.
  • Read about what you should consider when deciding whether to drop a course.

December 4 - 12: Final exam period for Fall 2025. Please remember to bring your Campus Card (Student ID) to all your exams.

Mid - December: Final grades will be posted on WebAdvisor as they are approved and received in the Office of Registrarial Services. Final grades will not be updated during the University’s holiday closure.