
Transcript Ordering Options

If you are applying to an Ontario university or college, we strongly encourage you to apply through OUAC (Ontario Universities’ Application Centre) or OCAS (Ontario College Application Service). You can check the application site for the status of your request.

To order an official transcript, submit the Official Transcript Request Form. You can pay the transcript fee securely online by credit card through this form.

Digital Transcripts

Many institutions are accepting digital transcripts that are received directly from another institution's administrative account through secure transmission. Please select “Digital” in the “C. Mailing Instructions” section of the Official Transcript Request Form if you would like the transcript to be sent to another institution. If it is a Canadian college or university, we will verify whether that institution is accepting digital transcripts. For any other institution (e.g., international), it is the student's responsibility to verify that the recipient institution is accepting digital transcripts and to provide the correct email address. You can also have a digital transcript emailed to a University of Guelph or Guelph-Humber email address. It cannot be emailed to an external address (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.).

A transcript is an official document prepared by the Office of Registrarial Services recording a student's courses, grades, and degree designation. Students must have met all financial obligations to the University of Guelph before official transcripts can be released for any purpose.

Transcripts obtained using the Transcript portion of WebAdvisor for students are Unofficial Transcripts and may not be suitable for purposes such as employment applications or applications to graduate school. Official transcripts from the University of Guelph will show that a degree has been conferred only after the convocation ceremony.

Notice to Graduates

It is your responsibility to check your transcript carefully to verify the accuracy of your academic record and to ensure that there are no errors or omissions. Before contacting the University of Guelph to request an amendment to your transcript please review the following list of common queries.

  • For privacy reasons, student DOB will reflect only the month and day (MM/DD), not the year of birth.
  • The courses listed on your transcript may reflect a truncated version of the title listed in the calendar. As such, words may be shortened, brackets missing and lowercase letters used to accommodate character spacing. The University of Guelph is not able to amend these items on your transcript.
  • Courses are listed alphabetically by subject area.
  • Grade discrepancies must be addressed through the appropriate department and/or instructor in charge of the course.
  • Graduate students may direct inquiries, including errors and/or omissions in thesis titles to:

For all other inquiries, please email and attach a copy of your unofficial transcript indicating the items in question. Failure to notify the University of Guelph within 60 days of your graduation date constitutes agreement on your part that the record is accurate.

*** Please note that access to your U of G WebAdvisor account and your unofficial transcript displayed there will expire twelve months after graduation. ***


For further information or questions, please contact the transcript clerk via email at