Consult the appropriate section below for information about the grading symbols found on official University of Guelph transcripts.
- Undergraduate Programs
- Graduate Programs
- Co-operative Education Evaluations
- Additional Symbols
- Winter 2020 Grading Options
Undergraduate Programs
Commencing with Spring Semester 1992
Letter Grade | Percentage Range |
A+ | 90 - 100% |
A | 85 - 89% |
A- | 80 - 84% |
B+ | 77 - 79% |
B | 73 - 76% |
B- | 70 - 72% |
C+ | 67 - 69% |
C | 63 - 66% |
C- | 60 - 62% |
D+ | 57 - 59% |
D | 53 - 56% |
D- | 50 - 52% |
F | 0 - 49% |
Alternate Course Evaluation
- Outstanding Pass: OP
- Pass: P
- Fail: F
From Spring Semester 1972 to Winter Semester 1992
Letter Grade | Percentage Range |
A | 80 - 100% |
B | 70 - 79% |
C | 60 - 69% |
D | 50 - 59% |
F | Below 50% |
Prior to Spring Semester 1972
Letter Grade | Percentage Range |
A | 75 - 100% |
B | 66 - 74% |
C | 50 - 65% |
F | Below 50% |
NOTE: 60% of total marks were required for Pass Standing in a Semester.
Credit Value for Undergraduate Courses
Prior to Fall 1998: Semester credits may be calculated by using one lecture hour or two laboratory hours per week as 1 semester credit.
Effective Fall 1998, the University moved to a credit system. The credit weight for each course appears after the course title (i.e. [0.50]). All courses taken prior to the Fall 1998 semester have been assigned a credit weight of [0.50].
Graduate Programs
Commencing with Fall Semester 2012
Letter Grade | Percentage Range |
A+ | 90 - 100% |
A | 85 - 89% |
A- | 80 - 84% |
B+ | 77 - 79% |
B | 73 - 76% |
B- | 70 - 72% |
C+ | 67 - 69% |
C | 65 - 66% |
F | Below 65% failure |
Commencing with Spring Semester 1992
Letter Grade | Percentage Range |
A+ | 90 - 100% |
A | 85 - 89% |
A- | 80 - 84% |
B+ | 77 - 79% |
B | 73 - 76% |
B- | 70 - 72% |
C+ | 67 - 69% |
C | 63 - 66% |
C- | 60 - 62% |
F | Below 60% failure |
Commencing with Fall Semester 1972
Letter Grade | Percentage Range |
A | 80 - 100% |
B | 70 - 79% |
C | 60 - 69% |
F | Below 60% failure |
Prior to Fall Semester 1972
Letter Grade | Percentage Range |
A | 75 - 100% |
B | 66 - 74% |
C | 60 - 65% |
F | Below 60% failure |
An “R” designation attached to a numeric grade (e.g. 40R) signifies that this failed course was either repeated or replaced in a subsequent semester.
An “S” designation attached to a numerical grade (e.g. 70S) signifies that this grade is the result of a supplemental assessment, following an original failing grade.
Credit Value for Graduate Courses
A two semester course is 1.00 credits; a one semester full course is 0.50 credits.
Co-operative Education Evaluations
Work Performance Evaluation - Commencing with Spring Semester 2014
- Outstanding
- Very Good
- Good
- Marginal
- Unsatisfactory
- Required to Withdraw from Co-op
Work Performance Evaluation - Commencing with Spring Semester 2008
- Outstanding
- Very Good
- Good
- Marginal
- Unsatisfactory
Work Performance Evaluation - Prior to Spring Semester 2008
- Outstanding
- Very Good
- Good
- Satisfactory
- Marginal
- Unsatisfactory
Work Report Evaluation - Commencing with Spring Semester 2014
- Outstanding
- Very Good
- Good
- Satisfactory
- Unsatisfactory
- Required to Withdraw from Co-op
Work Report Evaluation - Commencing with Spring Semester 1986
- Outstanding
- Very Good
- Good
- Satisfactory
- Unsatisfactory
Work Report Evaluation - Prior to Spring Semester 1986
- Outstanding
- Satisfactory
- Unacceptable
Effective Summer 2019, Co-op work terms were assigned a 0.5 academic credit weight and a pass/fail grade.
Additional Symbols
A numerical grade is usually awarded for each course attempt, but one of the following symbols may appear:
Symbol | Description |
INP | Course in progress |
AUD | Audit - requires no examination |
SUP | Supplemental Assessment |
MNR | Mark not reported |
CRD | Credit - pass standing granted |
UNS | Unsatisfactory |
CR | Credit received |
NCR | No credit received |
DEF | Deferred Assessment |
WF, WDF | Withdrawn with Failure |
SAT | Satisfactory |
DIS | Distinguished (thesis/defence only) |
WNP | Withdrawn no Penalty |
INC | Incomplete |
< > | Mark not included in average |
XXF | Original grade, supplemental assessment failed |
XXP | Original grade, supplemental assessment passed |
INF | Incomplete: failure |
< | Mark not included in average |
Winter 2020 Grading Options
A revised grading structure was implemented for the Winter 2020 semester to support students during a global pandemic (COVID-19). Students had the option of being graded on the University's approved pass/fail (for undergraduate and diploma students) or satisfactory/unsatisfactory (for graduate students) scale rather than receiving a letter or numeric grade. This option was available for all students and all courses. A Pass/Satisfactory designation is counted in the student’s cumulative credit total but is not counted toward the student’s cumulative GPA.