Displaying Results: [711 - 720] of 1456

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Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance 2020/21 Special Initiatives Call for Full Proposals

The priority-driven Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Research Program supports leading research aligned to support strong rural communities, keep our food safe, and develop a prosperous, environmentally sustainable agri-food sector in Ontario. The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance...

4 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Update - March 2020

CFI activities are continuing, with some changes

The current global pandemic underlines the necessity of keeping Canada’s research facilities at the ready. Recognizing the importance of delivering our funding programs in a timely way, we strive to continue conducting...

4 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
CCAC request for information regarding COVID-19

As the University continues to adapt to the changing landscape of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have received request from the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC), who provides oversight of animal-based research and teaching on behalf of the Tri-Council (SSHERC, NSERC and CIHR), that the...

4 years 6 months ago Research Policies and Guidelines
US DOD Fiscal Year 2020 Pre-announcement and Funding Opportunities

This e-mail is to notify the research community of recently released Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) pre-announcements and funding opportunities for the DoD programs managed by the office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).

FY20 Pre-announcements Released


4 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Message from the Tri-Agencies

A message from NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR President's:

Dear colleagues,

We very much appreciate the positive response to our previous message on the continuation of the COVID-19 research grants announced over the past two weeks. It is gratifying to see how the community is coming...

4 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
2020 Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100

Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100™ was created to recognize the incredible accomplishments of women, develop a community of support, and increase the visibility of strong leaders in order to inspire future generations.

Award Winners have included women from all walks of life. They...

4 years 6 months ago Honours and Awards
SSHRC Program Information in relation to COVID-19

In this time of unprecedented disruption, we wanted to reassure you that we recognize the COVID-19 pandemic may affect you and your loved ones’ physical and/or mental health. We understand that you may be facing many challenges, including delays or interruptions in your ability to conduct and...

4 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Canada Research Chairs Program - COVID-19 Update

The release of results for the October 2019 cycle (2019-20) is delayed until June, 2020. Start dates for renewals and new nominations will be backdated to April 1, 2020, where applicable.  

The CRCP is temporarily reverting back to a two-cycle model. The nomination deadline for the April...

4 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
New Frontiers in Research Fund - Transformation: COVID-19 Update

New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) Transformation:

The Letter of Intent (LOI) deadline for the 2020 Transformation Competition has been extended to July 15, 2020, at 8 p.m. (eastern).

This is the external deadline for submission to the agency by research administrators;  ...

4 years 6 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Caution: Cyber Security Campaign Targeting COVID-19 Researchers

The Canadian Center for Cyber Security (CCCS) has advised of an active and sophisticated cyber security campaign targeting COVID-19 researchers. The campaign leverages a phishing email to spread ransomware that could disrupt research activity.

The CCCS is advising that all researchers,...

4 years 6 months ago Research Management and Support