Physical Sciences and Engineering

Displaying Results: [1741 - 1750] of 2066

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Title Posted Category
Request for Proposals: National Fire Information Database research

The Council of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners and the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs are pleased to announce that funding is available for research projects using the newly formed National Fire Information Database to study patterns of fire incidents in Canada.

7 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
2016 Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide Now Available

The three federal granting agencies—the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)—are pleased to announce the posting of the 2016 Tri-Agency...

7 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
2016-17 NSERC peer review manuals now available

NSERC’s Peer Review Manuals are published primarily for the benefit of members to provide them with clear guidelines for evaluating applications. Applicants may benefit from reading sections of these manuals that relate to the evaluation process. Applicants who refer to the...

7 years 9 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
ERA-Can+ webinar for Canadians on collaboration opportunities through EUREKA and Eurostars

ERA-Can+ webinar for Canadians on collaboration opportunities through EUREKA and Eurostars: September 28, 2016

ERA-Can+ invites European researchers, research managers, as well as representatives from universities, colleges, government agencies and the private sector to participate in...

7 years 9 months ago Workshops and Events
NSERC Discovery Grant Webinar

In preparation for the submission of Discovery Grant applications, NSERC will host webinars to assist the research community on “How to complete an application” using the Research Portal and the NSERC Canadian Common CV (CCV).

First time attending an Adobe Connect meeting?...

7 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events
Mitacs Step workshop in Guelph: Practice Your Presentation Skills

This workshop, as with all Mitacs Step workshops, is free for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. However, the preauthorization of a valid credit card is required as part of the registration process. A $50 penalty will be applied to all late cancellations (cancellations that are not made...

7 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events
France-Canada Research Funds 2017 New Collaborations Program

The New Scientific Collaboration Support Program, financed by the France-Canada Research Fund (FCRF),

aims to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Support developing new expert partnerships between France and Canada,
  • promote the advancement of research and...
7 years 10 months ago Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News
Research in cyber - October symposium

Hosted by NATO Science and Technology Organization:

Information Systems Technology Panel (IST) is one of the seven Panels whose role it is to implement, on behalf of the Science & Technology Board, the STO Mission with respect to Information Systems Technology. The advancement and...

7 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events
World Water-Tech North America summit

At this Fall’s World Water-Tech North America summit in Toronto, supported by SOWC, the focus is on accelerating innovation in energy optimized and climate...

7 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events
Faculty Information Exchange Series 2016-2017: Basic Grant Writing Tips

Led by

Dr. Barbara Morrongiello, Department of Psychology


Dr. Shayan Sharif, Department of Pathobiology

Successful recipients, Drs....

7 years 10 months ago Workshops and Events