The University of Guelph, through its administrative and academic units, routinely provides information to the public. There is no automatic requirement to invoke FIPPA’s provisions; informal inquiries are welcomed. If you are unsure which office to contact please contact, in the first instance, the Privacy Officer by emailing [1].
If you choose to formally submit a request for information under FIPPA, there is a defined process to follow. You must submit a completed Access to Information and Correction Request Form [2] (s.24.1 [3], 48.1 [4]) and the $5.00 application fee (Reg. 460, s. 5.2 [5]). You may email the request form to [1] or deliver it by hand or mailing it, along with the $5.00 application fee, to the University Secretariat 4th Floor, University Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1. Make your cheque or money order payable to the University of Guelph. The University of Guelph primarily accepts requests by lettermail or campus mail. If you would like to submit your request in person, please contact [1] to arrange a drop off.
Note: a clearly defined request will greatly assist the University to identify the records/personal information sought. And please note that University may contact you about the facts and circumstances of the situation to clarify the access or correction request.
If you have any questions about this process or are unsure what can be routinely disclosed please contact the Privacy Officer at [1]
Note to Staff: if you receive a request for information under FIPPA, please contact the Privacy Officer [6] immediately, as requests are time-sensitive.