The second regular meeting of the Board of Governors for the 2020-21 year was held January 20, 2021, via web conference and was chaired by Board Chair Shauneen Bruder.
The meeting began with a welcome to Governors offered by the Board Chair and remarks celebrating accomplishments made by the University community through what has been a challenging year.
President Charlotte Yates offered oral remarks, including the University’s response to the recently updated provincial COVID-19 restrictions, an update on recent advocacy activities, and updates on key priorities including the launch of the President’s Advisory Committee on Anti-Racism, the Indigenous Initiatives Strategy, recent reports related to gendered violence, and a refresh of the University’s Strategic Framework. Special Advisor to the President on Indigenous Initiatives Cara Wehkemp provided an in-depth presentation on the forthcoming Indigenous Initiatives strategy and President Yates and Provost Gwen Chapman spoke to plans for implementation of recommendations of the recent McLaren Report, related to gendered violence.
The Board considered two items for strategic discussion during the meeting. The Board received the Capital Plan for 2021-22 and approved both the University's annual capital renewal program and the Library Entrance and Massey Hall Courtyard project. The Board also received an update on the University’s internal IT governance structure and on the development and areas of focus of the University’s IT Strategy.
Provost Chapman provided a brief update on ongoing work relating to financial sustainability, further to discussions held at the Finance Committee.
The Board of Governors received written reports on the activities of its standing committees and received regular financial reporting. Regular items of business also included approval of adjustments to a capital project budget, an amendment to the Endowment Investment Policy, and text amendments to the retirement pension plan.
The complete open session meeting package is available on the University Secretariat’s Governance Portal [1]. The official record of the meeting is the meeting minutes, which will be available following their approval at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting, to be held on April 21, 2021.