The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat. In the event of a discrepancy, the official version will prevail. Click here [1] for a printable version of this policy.
Approving Authority: Board of Governors
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs)
Responsible Officer: Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Original Approval Date: November 1, 1994
Most Recent Revision Date: October 19, 2022
1. Preamble
1.1. In March 1994, the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) established the requirement for a protocol where Ontario postsecondary institutions wished to introduce or increase specific compulsory non-tuition ancillary fees. MCU required that the protocol be a formal agreement between the institution’s administration and student governing body representatives and approved by the institution’s governing body. The University of Guelph established its first protocol in 1994.
2. Jurisdiction
2.1. This Protocol applies to University-Based Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fees and Joint Fees, which are collected at the University of Guelph main campus. The University’s Ridgetown Campus and the University of Guelph-Humber are not covered by this Protocol.
2.2. Student-Based Fees which are collected by the University on behalf of Recognized Student Organizations to be applied to the cost of the services they provide, are subject to formal policies and procedures mandated by the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs) related to the University fee collection services, and not subject to this Protocol.
3. Definitions
3.1. Fee Collection Status: means the current collection status of a fee as determined by the University in its sole discretion:
3.1.1. Active – regular collection at approved fee rate levels. Where circumstances affect the ability of the University to deliver the service associated with the fee, the amount of the fee collected may be pro-rated.
3.1.2. Suspended – regular collection is suspended temporarily. Reasons for suspension may include but are not limited to:
- Extenuating circumstances which may affect the University’s ability to deliver the service associated with the fee.
- Financial reporting that requires follow-up.
- A surplus in fee revenue which must be addressed prior to returning to Active status;
3.1.3. Retired – regular collection is permanently terminated following approval by the Compulsory Fees Committee. Once retired, a fee cannot be re-activated but must be approved as a new fee through the Fee Approval Process in section VI.
3.2. Compulsory Ancillary Fee Advisory Committees (“Advisory Committees”): means the committee struck annually for a fee covered by this Protocol. The Advisory Committees will report annually to the Compulsory Fees Committee regarding the applicable fee. The Terms and Conditions for the Advisory Committees are located in Section 7 of this document.
3.3. Compulsory Fees Committee (“Committee”): means the committee responsible for overseeing compliance with this Protocol. The Terms and Conditions for the Compulsory Fees Committee are located in Section 8 of this document.
3.4. Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fee (“Fee”): means a compulsory fee applied to the cost of services which enhance the cultural/social/recreational environment of students or provides other non-academic services to students. These fees are not applied to the cost of instruction in any course or program normally offered for credit toward an eligible degree, diploma or certificate.
3.5. Consumer Price Index (CPI): means the current Statistics Canada consumer price index annual average for Ontario set in January of each year.
3.6. Joint Fee: means a Fee established by written agreement between a RSO and the University. All such fees will be subject to this Protocol.
3.7. Legacy Student Services Fee: means a non-tuition compulsory ancillary fee that pre-dates the introduction of the Ministry protocol requirement.
3.8. Purpose: means the program, service or unit for which a fee has been approved in accordance with this Protocol.
3.9. Recognized Student Organisation (“RSO”): means a student organization recognised under the Student Organization Policy.
3.10. Referendum: means a general vote by the student electorate about a question which has been referred to them for a direct decision. In relation to this Protocol, voting is regarding fees as required under this Protocol. For fees under the Protocol (current or possible), the University may utilize any of the following processes:
- regularly scheduled student government general elections; or
- a referendum process carried out independently by the University
- Under usual circumstances the University will utilize regularly scheduled student government general elections, as a means to go to referendum. However, depending on circumstances, the University reserves the right to host an independent referendum.
3.11. Student-Based Fee: means fees established, managed and reported on by a Recognized Student Organization in accordance with applicable by-laws or policies.
3.12. University-Based Fee: means Compulsory Non-Tuition Fees that support programs and services provided by specific University units.
4. Annual Fee Increases
4.1. Fees which have been approved with annual increases will be automatically increased by the approved amount.
4.2. Any fee that is subject to this Protocol can be increased by up to CPI plus three percent (3%) with approval by the Compulsory Fees Committee. A proposed increase of more than CPI plus three percent (3%) requires Referendum approval.
4.3. The University may decrease the operating budget for any program that is supported by a compulsory fee. In this circumstance, there will be discussions held in advance with the Committee and the relevant Fee Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee has the right to recommend a reduction in the fee level.
5. Fee Approval Process
5.1. Any proposal to establish a new fee or significantly change the Purpose of an existing Fee (“Proposal”) must be submitted initially to the Compulsory Fees Committee. Proposals should be sent to the Compulsory Fees Committee c/o the Office of the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs).
5.2. If the Compulsory Fees Committee approves the Proposal for Referendum, the Committee will strike a Referendum Sub-Committee to oversee the Referendum process in accordance with the terms of reference for the Compulsory Fees Committee.
5.3. The Referendum Sub-Committee will forward to the Committee for approval, recommendations regarding the Referendum including but not limited to the student group to which the Referendum question should be directed (i.e., graduate students or undergraduate students), the Referendum question and the preamble to the Referendum question. The Referendum Sub-Committee will seek input from the applicable stakeholders for its recommendations.
5.4. Referendums using the student election processes are administered in accordance with the applicable by-laws.
5.5. Where the University uses a Referendum process independently, the results of the Referendum vote will be shared with the CSA and/or the GSA Board of Directors as applicable, for information.
5.6. Proposals which are approved through a Referendum must receive final approval from the University’s Board of Governors.
6. Protocol Review and Revision
6.1. This Protocol will be reviewed at least once every five years. Recommendations from the Committee will be forwarded to the Board of Governors for consideration.
7. Related Policies, Procedures & Documents
7.1. Procedures and Guidelines under the Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fees Protocol at the University of Guelph
7.1.1. Student Services Fee Advisory Committee Terms and Conditions [2]