The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat. In the event of a discrepancy, the official version will prevail. Click here [1] for a printable version of this policy.
Parent Policy: 2.6 Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fees Protocol at the University of Guelph [2]
Approving Authority: Board of Governors
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs)
Responsible Officer: Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Original Approval Date: November 1, 1994
Most Recent Revision Date: October 19, 2022
Definitions for Capitalized Terms used in these Terms and Conditions are provided in Section 3 of the Compulsory Non-Tuition Ancillary Fees Protocol at the University of Guelph [3].
1. Mandate
1.1. The Mandate of the Compulsory Fees Committee (the “Committee”) is to:
- Oversee compliance with the Protocol.
- Operationalize the Protocol.
2. Membership
2.1. The membership of the Committee will have eleven (11) voting members as follows:
- Six (6) Students as follows:
- Two (2) representatives from the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA).
- Two (2) representatives from the Central Student Association (CSA).
- One (1) Student Senator; and
- One (1) Student Member of the Board of Governors.
- Five (5) Faculty or Staff appointed by the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs).
2.2. The membership of the Committee will have the following non-voting members who shall not count towards quorum:
- The Vice-Provost (Student Affairs) or designate.
- A representative from the office of Institutional Research and Planning who will provide compliance expertise to the committee.
- A representative from the office of the Vice-Provost (Student Affairs) who will provide administrative support to the committee.
2.3. Alternates: Alternate may be named for the voting members to ensure quorum. Alternates will have voting privileges.
2.4. At its first meeting in the fall, the Committee will elect the Chair from its voting membership. The Chair has voting privileges.
2.5. The Committee may invite additional resource personnel to join its meetings to provide clarity or support.
3. Quorum
3.1. Quorum shall be six voting members, including a minimum of two students and two faculty or staff with voting privileges. Where a vote results in a “tie,” further discussion will take place after which, another vote will be taken.
4. Responsibilities of the Committee
4.1. In carrying out its Mandate, the responsibilities of the Committee will include but not be limited to:
- Review Advisory Committee memberships to ensure at least 50% of the membership is comprised of students.
- Request, receive and review annual reports from the Advisory Committees.
- Drawing from the reports of the Advisory Committees and other information sources made available to the Committee, review the usage, effectiveness, and associated costs of the program, service or unit supported by a fee and forward recommendations to the University administration, as appropriate.
- Oversee any referendum regarding any proposal to establish a new fee or to change or retire an existing fee through the establishment of a Referendum Committee.
- Review and approve/deny proposals regarding exceptional fee increase under Section V (Annual Fee Increases) of the Protocol.
- Report the results of any referendum question and make recommendations to the Board of Governors.
- Review Student Life Enhancement Fund (SLEF) applications and final reports annually. The Committee is responsible for allocating funds as outlined in the terms and conditions of the SLEF.
- Ensure accountability regarding Legacy Student Service Fees that have no formal reporting relationship with the Central Student Association, the Graduate Student Association or the Student Experience Department of Student Affairs.
5. Sub-Committees
The Committee may establish sub-committees from time to time to carry out its mandate including but not limited to the following:
5.1. Referendum Sub-Committee When a referendum question is to be brought forward in regards to a fee (new fee proposal or significant revision to exiting fee Purpose), the Compulsory Fees Committee will strike a Referendum Sub-Committee with the membership consisting of 3 members of the Compulsory Fees Committee: one CSA representative or delegate; one GSA representative or delegate; and one faculty or staff member, where the unit or program does not directly benefit from a successful referendum result. The duty of this Committee will be to oversee the referendum process. The unit requesting the fee must assign a staff member to this committee who will act as the Chair.
5.2. Fee Collection Status Review Sub-Committee If the Committee has determined that a Fee Collection Status might need to change, a subcommittee will be struck to conduct a review and recommend Fee Collection Status to the Committee. The subcommittee will have at least two (2) student members. At least 50% of committee membership should be students. This subcommittee will report back to the Committee on:
- The wording of the referendum which established the fee.
- Details of the fee collection./li>
- Breakdown of fee utilization.
- Feedback from the Unit that receives revenue generated by the fee.
- Recommendations for the fee in question in relation to any changes to Fee Collection Status.
- If the recommendation is that the Fee Collection Status should change, the subcommittee will also make a recommendation regarding the timing of any further collection of the fee. Collection of a retiring fee may continue for no more than three (3) semesters. The Unit that receives revenue generated by the fee will be advised of the Committee’s decision within three (3) business days. If that Unit wishes to appeal the Committee decision, its appeal request should be presented to the Committee within seven (7) days of receiving notice of the Committee’s decision.
6. Conflict of Interest
6.1. The Committee is committed to maintaining a high standard of professional integrity and transparency in the collection and distribution of funds generated by compulsory fees.
6.2. It is essential that both the Committee members and the University of Guelph community are confident in the Committee. Thus, any conflict of interest – either apparent, potential, or actual – must be declared. As such, members will disclose any conflict of interest as outlined below:
- A Committee member(s) will declare a conflict of interest if they individually or the group they represent, are connected to any proposal discussed, or on any proposition to change or end fees for the unit they represent.
- The Committee member(s) with a declared conflict of interest will leave the meeting room while the Committee decides whether there is a conflict of interest.
- If the Committee determines a conflict of interest exists, the Committee will determine appropriate steps to address the conflict.