The First Senate meeting of the 2022-23 session was held on October 3, 2022 and was chaired by President Charlotte Yates.
Gen Gauthier-Chalifour, University Secretary, commenced the meeting with a territorial land acknowledgment.
Leadership Updates
The President, Dr. Charlotte Yates, offered oral remarks and began by welcoming Senators including the Chancellor, Mary Anne Chambers, and Board of Governors Chair, Nancy Brown Andison.
Dr. Yates provided updates on fall start-up and the university sector, opening with an update on the University’s COVID policies, highlighting that “masks on” spaces have been designated on campus and wastewater testing continues.
President Yates announced the revisioning of the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, which is to become the Biodiversity Institute for Conservation Synthesis (BICS), and the summer openings of the Lincoln Alexander Student Service Centre (LINC) [1], and the new larger, more accessible entrance to the MacLaughlin Library.
The President acknowledged and thanked those who worked to organize a range of campus educational and experiential activities in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and emphasized the importance of an on-going commitment to fostering relationships with Indigenous peoples and communities.
Chancellor Mary Anne Chambers offered remarks opening with an expression of appreciation for those who participated in the Chancellor Selection Committee. Dr. Chambers spoke of the importance of being active participants in the determination of the University of Guelph’s future. To be accountable to members of Senate, the Chancellor provided a summary of her activities since her installation and emphasized her commitment to supporting and contributing to the University.
The Provost & Vice-President (Academic), Dr. Gwen Chapman, opened remarks by acknowledging the faculty and staff who participated in the recent Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF). Dr. Chapman commented on the increase in undergraduate enrolment this year, acknowledging the associated challenges and providing an update on the University’s response to those challenges. Provost Chapman concluded by describing actions taken and ongoing to address accessibility concerns.
The Vice-President (Research), Dr. Malcolm Campbell, presented a draft of the Strategic Research Plan 2023-28 and provided remarks on the relationship between the research portfolio and Senate.
Key Business Items and Approvals
Other key items of business at the meeting included:
- Approval of the University of Guelph Strategic Plan 2022-27 (the Board of Governors will consider October 19)
- Approval of revisions to the Policy on the Establishment of the Schedule of Dates
- Approval of revisions to the Degree Regulations section of the Graduate Calendar related to Graduate Diplomas
- Approval of major modifications to the MA and PhD in Philosophy
- Items presented for information: Update on the Strategic Research Plan Refresh, update from the COU Academic Colleague, presentation of the 2023-24 Schedules of Dates (undergraduate, diploma and graduate), undergraduate and graduate curriculum changes, graduate faculty appointments, and non-degree program approvals.
More Information
The complete meeting agenda package is available on the University Secretariat’s Governance Portal [2] and includes detailed information on the items listed above. The official record of the meeting is the meeting minutes, which will be available following their approval at the next regularly scheduled Senate meeting.
Upcoming Senate Meeting
The next regular meeting of Senate is scheduled to take place on Monday, November 21, 2022.
Meetings are open to the public and visitors who wish to attend are invited to contact the University Secretariat at [3]