The official version of this policy is housed with the University Secretariat. In the event of a discrepancy, the official version will prevail. Click here [1] for a printable version of this policy.
Approving Authority: Governance and Nominating Committee
Responsible Office: University Secretariat, Office of Indigenous Initiatives
Responsible Officer: University Secretary
Original Approval Date: January 16, 2024
Effective Date: January 16, 2024
1. Purpose
The establishment of Indigenous representation in bodies like the Senate is required to carve out space for Indigenous epistemologies and ontologies. This will ensure the effective evaluation of Indigenous initiatives brought to bodies like Senate and will provide a structure for accountability to Indigenous peoples and communities.
2. Authority
Section B.(1)(j) of the Senate Bylaws provides that the Governance and Nominating Committee may establish a protocol for the election to First Nations, Inuit or Métis Student Seats on Senate.
3. Definitions
3.1. “Indigenous” shall refer collectively to First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples, as recognized in the Canadian Constitution, and their distinct cultures, languages and knowledge.
3.2. “Faculty” shall mean Faculty as defined in the Senate Bylaws and the Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate.
4. Adminstration of Election
4.1. The Election shall be administered consistent with the Administration of Election provisions of the Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate.
4.2. The Chief Electoral Officer may fix such deadlines and develop such operational guidelines as are necessary to administer elections under this protocol, provided that any such deadlines or guidelines are communicated publicly prior to or at the beginning of the nomination period.
4.3. The Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) shall serve as the principal advisor to the Chief Electoral Officer with regard to the operation of this protocol.
5. Selection Method
5.1. The selection to the First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty Seat on Senate will normally proceed according to the Regular Method, but may proceed according to the Alternative Method at the discretion of the Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives)
5.2. Regular Method – Collaborative Process
5.2.1. The Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) shall convene and facilitate a collaborative process that includes any First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty who wish to be considered for selection to the First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty Seat on Senate. First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty who do not wish to be considered for selection will also be invited to join the collaborative process.
5.2.2. The Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) may engage Indigenous Knowledge Holders and other resources in the process.
5.2.3. In order to be eligible to stand for selection to the First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty Seat on Senate, a faculty member must meet the eligibility requirements provided in the Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate.
5.2.4. In addition, in order to be eligible to stand for selection to the First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty Seat on Senate, a faculty member must be confirmed as a First Nations, Métis or Inuit faculty member.
5.2.5. The Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) is responsible for confirming to the Chief Electoral Officer, in writing, the outcome of this process and the name of the First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty selected.
5.3. Alternative Method - Election
5.3.1. The Election shall be administered consistent with the Administration of Election provisions of the Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate.
5.3.2. The Chief Electoral Officer may fix such deadlines and develop such operational guidelines as are necessary to administer elections under this protocol, provided that any such deadlines or guidelines are communicated publicly prior to or at the beginning of the nomination period.
5.3.3. The Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) shall serve as the principal advisor to the Chief Electoral Officer with regard to the operation of elections under this protocol.
5.3.4. In order to be eligible to stand as a candidate for election to the First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty Seat on Senate, a faculty member must meet the eligibility requirements provided in the Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate.
5.3.5. In addition, in order to be eligible to stand as a candidate for election to the First Nations, Inuit or Métis Faculty Seat on Senate, a faculty member must be confirmed as a First Nations, Métis or Inuit faculty member.
5.3.6. In order to be eligible to nominate and vote, a faculty member must be confirmed as a First Nations, Métis or Inuit faculty member.
5.3.7. The Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) or designate is responsible for providing the Chief Electoral Officer with a list of confirmed First Nations, Métis or Inuit faculty members prior to the election.
6. Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate to Apply
6.1. Except where this protocol provides otherwise, matters relating to term of office, retention of seat, vacancies and replacement, nomination and election period, nomination, election, election results and irregularities with respect to the First Nations, Métis or Inuit Faculty Seat on Senate shall be determined or decided in compliance with the Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate.
6.2. Where the Chief Electoral Officer determines it is appropriate, the Assistant Vice-President (Indigenous Initiatives) may fulfill the role of the Chief Electoral Officer under the Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate.
7. Related Policies, Procedures & Documents
7.1. Senate Bylaws [2]
7.2. Regulations Governing the Election of Faculty, Librarians and Staff to Senate [3]
7.3. Bi-Naagwad | It Comes Into View, the Indigenous Initiatives Strategy Summary Report [4]