BLA Student Featured in Spacing Magazine Article "Vision Realized: Isaak Kornelsen Memorial Parklet"

Posted on Monday, August 11th, 2014

Jonathan Behnke, a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture student in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph is featured in an article in Spacing (Edmonton) magazine entitled "Vision Realized:  Isaak Kornelsen Memorial Parklet".

Just over one year after Jonathan developed a vision for a parklet to memorialize former classmate, Isaak Kornelsen, his vision is becoming a reality. Isaak was a University of Alberta student and Golden Bears track athlete who died in a cycling accident on his way to work in Edmonton at Cafe Mosaics on Whyte Avenue in August 2012.  See full article in Spacing.

Jonathan is currently working with the Meewasin Valley Authority in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and will be returning to his fourth year of study in the BLA program in September.

More media coverage about the one-day parket tribute can be found at the following links:

CTV News (evening August 29):

CTV News (morning August 29):

CBC late night August 29 (parklet starts 2:38 into video):

CBC evening August 28 (parklet starts 7:42 into video):

Global News August 29:

Glenn Kubish:


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