Landscape Architecture Professor Hopes to Improve the Lives of Syrian Refugees
Larry Harder, Professor in Landscape Architecture at the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development hopes to address issues occurring in unofficial Syrian refugee camps across Lebanon through a locally initiated project that he is participating in. From May 22 to May 30 he will work with 50 other landscape architecture students and professors from across the world to address issues being faced in a specific camp in the Bekaa Valley, called Talyani. Talyani is near the Lebanese town of Bar Elias, which is about 10km from the Syrian border.
Talyani refugee camp in the Bekaa Valley
“We are hoping to address the environmental and social needs of the people living in the camp. Is there a better way to layout or plan out the settlement? Can we create a transition space that is more culturally sensitive for women in their homes?”
Read full OAC article entitled "The Changing Landscape of Refuge".