Hilary Sadowsky wins the Inuit Partnership of Excellence Student Award
Having recently completed her M.Sc in Rural Planning and Development, Hilary Sadowsky and her supervisor Nicolas Brunet attended the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting on December 5, 2019, one of the largest Arctic research events in the world. Hilary was presenting her thesis results along side a good number of our partners from Pond Inlet, Nunavut where she undertook her project over the last two years. Hilary not only took home the photo contest award, she also took home the coveted Inuit Partnership of Excellence Student Award. This award is presented annually by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), the national representational organization advancing the rights of Inuit in Canada. This award is to provided to the student whose poster best addresses Inuit priorities, involves Inuit partners, and builds capacity, and is adjudicated by Arctic Net’s Inuit Advisory Committee.
Congratulations Hilary!
Photo above: Hilary beside her poster.
Photo above: Hilary accepting her award at the gala dinner.